About ECPN

ECPN_logo6.5.2013The Early Career Preventionist Network

ECPN is a wonderful opportunity to network with other prevention scientists, so we welcome your participation and contributions.

The Early Career Preventionist Network (ECPN) is a web-based organization that seeks to link individuals who are interested in prevention science and fosters the development of early career preventionists.

Organizational Affiliation
ECPN is an official standing committee of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR), and conducts much of its administrative business during SPR’s Annual Meeting, where it sponsors a variety of activities, such as ECPN Luncheon and special symposium. Given this affiliation, ECPN members are encouraged to also become members of SPR. The ECPN Chair is an official voting member of the SPR board. Therefore, only joint members of ECPN and SPR are able to participate in ECPN elections.

Network Organization
The organizational structure of ECPN consists of a Chair who is elected by the joint members of ECPN and SPR and who serves a two-year term. The Chair-elect is also elected by the joint members of ECPN and SPR and serves on the Steering Committee with the Chair for two years before assuming the role of Chair. In addition, the organization has a Steering Committee consisting of a Membership Chair, a Training Chair, A Public Relations/Web Site Chair, and an Awards/Operating Rules Chair. These are appointed positions. Each committee chair has a group of ECPN volunteers working with them.

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