May 30, 2006
SPR provides training opportunities in prevention science during pre-conference workshops scheduled for Tuesday, May 30, 2006. All workshops require registration [click here]. The registration rates for the full-day pre-conference workshops #1, #2, and #3 include a continental breakfast and two beverage breaks. The registration rate for the half-day pre-conference #4 includes a beverage break.
Pre-Conference #1
DATE: Tuesday, May 30, 2006, Hyatt Regency San Antonio
TIME: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch on your own)
Executive functioning and its applications in prevention science: the what, the why, and the how: Dr. Antoine Bechara, University of Iowa, Dr. Thomas Dishion, University of Oregon, Dr. Philip Fisher, Oregon Social Learning Center, Dr. Mark Greenberg, Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Ralph Tarter, University of Pittsburg.
This workshop will introduce investigators to the advances in neuroscience which are opening up new frontiers into the understanding of how brain and behavior are connected. New technology makes neurobiological data collection increasingly accessible. The workshop will be accessible to investigators with and without experience with the prefrontal cortex and executive function. More details…
Pre-Conference #2
DATE: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 Hyatt Regency San Antonio
TIME: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch on your own)
Models and Methods for Cultural Adaptation of Prevention Programs: Dr. Charles R. Martinez, Jr., Oregon Social Learning Center
This workshop will examine and apply various models and cultural adaptation in developing, refining, and disseminating empirically based intervention programs. More details…
Pre-Conference #3
DATE: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 Hyatt Regency San Antonio
TIME: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (Lunch on your own)
Missing-data Methods for Casual Inference: Dr. Joseph Schafer, Department of Statistics and The Methodology Center, The Pennsylvania State University.
This workshop is designed for methodologically-oriented researchers in the social, behavioral and medical sciences in search of practical tools for casual inference from experimental and observational data. More details…
Pre-Conference #4
DATE: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 Hyatt Regency San Antonio
TIME: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Getting Ready for e-Grants: Dr. David A. Chambers, Dr. Aria Davis Crump, Dr. Courtney B. Ferrell, Dr. LeShawndra N. Price and Dr. Belinda E. Sims, NIH.
Beginning with the small business grant programs in December, 2005 and transitioning program by program through May 2007, NIH will soon require all competing grant applications to be submitted electronically. In this session co-hosted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Mental Health, information and guidance will be presented to investigators, at any career level, on what to expect and how to plan for electronic submission. More details…