*To view the program schedule online, please click on “Program Schedule” icon above.
**Online registration ends May 26, 2013.
***Hyatt Regency San Francisco is SOLD OUT, Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30. Click here for the overflow hotel information.
Presentation Schedules Have Been Sent
As of April 1, 2013, presentation schedules have been emailed. If you have not received an email regarding your presentation schedule, please contact Jennifer Lewis at jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org.
Abstract Status Notifications Have Been Sent
As of March 12, 2013 abstract acceptance notifications have been emailed. If you have not received an email regarding the status of your abstract, please contact Jennifer Lewis at jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org.Abstract submission is CLOSED. Submission deadline was Monday, November 12, 2012.
Due to Hurricane Sandy, the abstract submission deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED to Monday, November 12, 2012, 11:59 pm Pacific. This extension includes all types of abstract submissions including the NIDA International poster session and pre-conference workshop proposals.
- Make sure to keep/print out your email notifications. Each abstract that you submit has its own ID# and password which you’ll need to access the abstract.
- Chairs/Organizers of organized paper symposium and organized poster forums must submit all abstracts within the session. This year with the Confex system (unlike prior years) all abstracts within a session are automatically linked. Remember that all abstracts within a session should have the same theme.
- Word/character limit: There is a 2800 character limit for each abstract which is approximately 400 words.
- No tables or figures are permitted. References are not required.
- Please do not include the names of chairs, authors and discussants in your abstracts. Abstracts are reviewed in a “blind”, peer-review.
- Please contact the SPR staff for assistance; we’re here to guide you through the process. Email jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org or dj@preventionresearch.org or call 703-934-4850.
Abstract Submission Guidelines and Instructions
The SPR abstract submission website is at http://spr.confex.com/spr/SPR2013/cfp.cgi.
The abstract submission website is open as of Friday, September 21, 2012.
Due to Hurricane Sandy, the abstract submission deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED to Monday, November 12, 2012, 11:59 pm Pacific
Information for Authors
All SPR abstract submissions for the 2013Annual Meeting will be submitted via the Confex Abstract Management Site at http://spr.confex.com/spr/SPR2013/cfp.cgi. The Confex site will be available for submissions beginning Friday, September 21, 2012. To facilitate reviews and scheduling, all abstracts must be submitted via the website by Monday, November 12, 2012, 11:59 pm Pacific. If you have ANY questions about the annual meeting or program content, please contact Jennifer Lewis, SPR Executive Director at jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org or 703-934-4850, x213. For urgently needed technical support, phone +1 (401) 334-0220 between the hours of 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday, US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00).
Deadline for Submission and Other Important Dates
The online abstract submission site is open as of Friday, September 21, 2012.
Due to Hurricane Sandy, the abstract submission deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED to Monday, November 12, 2012, 11:59 pm Pacific
Presenting Author Acceptance notifications will be e-mailed in mid-March 2013.
Presenting Author Schedule notifications will be e-mailed mid-April 2013.
The complete schedule will be available mid-April 2013.
Author Instructions
Each abstract submission may contain a maximum of 2800 characters (including spaces) which is approximately 400 words. Tables and Figures are not allowed. References are not required.
The Program Committee of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) invites international and U.S. submissions for presentations within all content areas of public health, education, human services, criminal justice, medical and biobehavioral sciences, developmental science, and genetics as related to the prevention of physical, emotional, and behavioral problems, and the promotion of healthy living and well-being. SPR includes members and participants from varied disciplines and areas of research, implementation, and policy making. Type I and Type II translational research (i.e., translating basic science into prevention models; adapting interventions to the real world) is emphasized. Prevention and health promotion research includes a focus on resilience in the face of adversity, enhancement of health-related and positive behaviors, and the reduction of unhealthy and dysfunctional behaviors. Prevention topics across the age span are welcome. Specific disease and physical health topics that are encouraged for submission and that are addressed by prevention include but are not limited to: cancer, diabetes mellitus, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and unintended pregnancy. Behavioral and mental health issues include but are not limited to: family conflict, violence prevention, delinquency, crime, suicide, academic failure, school dropout, unemployment, worker productivity, occupation safety, unintended injury, poverty, and mental health problems and disorders, including depression, substance use, abuse, and addiction (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, prescription, over-the-counter medications, and street drugs). Biobehavioral and genetic topics include but are not limited to: examination of biological and neurobiological underpinnings related to variation in human behavior, gene-environment interplay on physical or mental health outcomes, and interventions that target biobehavioral or genetic risk mechanisms or show effects on such mechanisms. System and policy-related issues include but are not limited to: managed care, reduction of health disparities, policy-based interventions, international prevention strategies, welfare, maternal health, infant and child health, global warming impact on health, and measurement and coordination of social services.
Each year the SPR selects special themes designed to highlight specific areas of research relevant for prevention scientists. These special themes guide the development of plenary sessions, symposia, and preconference workshops. Our intent is to provide an opportunity for conference attendees to explore scientific developments that may influence research in the near future and to create a forum for interdisciplinary interactions. This year’s conference theme The Science of Prevention: Building a Comprehensive National Strategy for Well-Being recognizes the significant knowledge generated over the last 20 years and the opportunity to continue to advance the science of prevention to inform policy and practice and build a comprehensive strategy to decrease risky and problematic behaviors, prevent disease, and promote health and well-being. The research conducted by SPR members and presented at the annual meetings is highly relevant to and has influenced the development of a number of recent reports and strategies, including the National Prevention Strategy, the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States, the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, Healthy People 2020, the NIH Training Institute on Dissemination and Implementation Research, and the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research, to name a few.
Three special themes have been established: Common Pathways to and Impact on Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Social and Environmental Determinants of Health, Meeting the Goals of the HIV/AIDS National Prevention Strategy. We remain committed to maintaining SPR’s strengths by also considering submissions that focus on different stages of the prevention cycle (e.g., epidemiology and etiology, development and testing of interventions, and implementation/dissemination), innovative methods and statistics, and systems science perspectives. We strongly encourage those submitting to consider one of the special or general themes when crafting their submission.
Further, SPR strongly encourages submissions by early career prevention scientists, including graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and researchers who have recently begun to work independently.
One of SPR’s missions is to facilitate the development of more junior prevention scientists. We encourage senior researchers to collaborate with early career researchers and submit linked abstracts for presentations on specific themes or individual projects. These need not be limited to organized paper symposia or organized poster forum presentations.
Given the limited time and rooms for oral presentations, we are especially interested in organized paper symposia and organized poster forums that include authors from a variety of research groups and from more than one project. The Program Committee also encourages organized paper symposia and organized poster forums consisting of several authors from single research studies, such as multi-site and/or longitudinal studies.
We encourage authors to consider submitting an individual poster presentation. We seek broad participation in the conference, and many individual poster presentations can be accommodated. We will again combine the two evening poster sessions with receptions to enhance camaraderie.
Please note that all submissions must be in English.
Abstract Types
Individual Paper Presentation
Abstracts of individual research papers may be submitted for a 15-20 minute oral presentation. A maximum of three individual papers will be grouped together based on a theme and similar content within a 90-minute concurrent session. A volunteer chair will facilitate an extended period of open discussion following the three oral paper presentations.
Individual Poster Presentation
Poster displays allow presenters to discuss their research with interested colleagues during a two-hour block of time. The poster sessions will be held in the early evening along with a reception, and will not compete with any other sessions. Please note there is a separate NIDA International Poster Session (select the category/theme “NIDA International Poster Session” when submitting to this session).
Organized Paper Symposium
An organized paper symposium provides for multiple oral research presentations to be made on a single theme involving a brief introduction by the chair, 3 (minimum/maximum) presenters, with one discussant (encouraged, though optional) and open discussion from the floor. Presenters have 15 minutes to present the core content and the discussant has 15 minutes to comment upon the presentations with 30 minutes reserved for interactive discussion, facilitated by the chair, between the presenters and the session audience. An abstract should be submitted that describes the overall symposium, and separate abstracts should be submitted for each proposed presentation (that is, 4 abstracts should be submitted for a symposium with 3 presenters). This year, using the Confex online abstract submission system, one person should submit all components of the organized paper symposium.
Organized Poster Forum
An organized poster forum provides for multiple, 4 minimum/8 maximum, poster research presentations to be made on a single theme. Posters will be displayed for a 45-minute period allowing time for presenters to individually discuss their research with the session audience as they move through the posters. 15 minutes is allocated for comments from a discussant (encouraged, though optional) and 30 to 45 minutes (if no discussant) of general discussion, moderated by the chair, between the presenters and the session audience. This year, using the Confex online abstract submission system, one person should submit all components of the organized poster forum.
Roundtable Discussion/Scientific Dialogue
A roundtable discussion/scientific dialogue (RD/SD) does not present research findings, but rather addresses an area or issue of fundamental importance to the field, in a format that encourages a lively exchange of different points of views. Examples include training and funding opportunities in prevention, priorities in prevention, and advocacy for the use of scientific approaches to prevention. The RD/SD chair and the required panel of five (5) discussants often include members/people outside the research community. The 90-minute RD/SD should include a brief introduction clearly outlining the issues presented by the chair followed by each of the discussants elaborating on their different viewpoints and perspectives on the issue. Then the chair facilitates extended open discussion with the session audience and the discussants. The RD/SD abstract submission should include only one abstract (unlike an organized symposium), which includes an outline of the issue and varying viewpoints that will be elaborated upon. Please note the panel must include 1 chair and 5 discussants.
Technology Demonstration
Abstracts are encouraged that describe prevention-related technology and science-based prevention program materials. A technology demonstration session will be presented during the conference for “hands-on” presentations of technology, such as statistical analysis programs, data collection instruments and techniques, literature search techniques, or science-based prevention curricula. The technology demonstrations will be held in the same area as the evening poster sessions. A table chairs and a power outlet will be provided. Please note that Internet access will not be provided without a charge incurred by the presenting author.
Sample Abstracts
Please see the following links for examples of five (5) model abstracts. These examples are included to provide guidance to authors; however, there may be instances in which another format is preferable depending upon the nature of your research and your proposed presentation.
(1) Organized Paper Symposium (PDF)
Introductory session abstract AND individual paper abstracts within an organized paper symposium. This model is also appropriate for an Organized Poster Forum introductory session AND individual poster abstracts within an Organized Poster Forum.
(2) Individual Paper (PDF)
(3) Individual Poster (PDF)
(4) Individual Technology Demonstration (PDF)
(5) Roundtable Discussion/Scientific Dialogue (PDF)
Author Roles
All persons associated with an abstract submission shall be included in the abstract author information. Please select author roles carefully. To maximize participation in oral presentations a limit on two Presenting Authors abstract submissions has been instituted. Oral presentations are limited to TWO per person, therefore when inviting your presenters for an organized symposium; confirm that they have not already committed to more than one other organized symposium presentation or individual oral presentation. Chairing a symposium or being a discussant does not count as an oral presentation.
Submitter – This individual is responsible for entering all abstract information and may or may not be an author or presenter.
Presenting Author – This individual is the presenter for oral (both individual papers or within an organized symposium) and poster presentations and technology demonstrations. This individual must attend the meeting. There is a minimum and maximum of one Presenting Author per submission. A presenting author is limited to TWO oral presentations in the meeting.
First Author – This individual is the primary author of the abstract and/or research paper. The primary author may or may not be a presenting author and may or may not attend the meeting. During the Author entry step you may order the authors as to how they should be listed in the program.
Co-Author – This individual(s) is a co-author on the abstract and/or research paper. Co-authors may or may not attend the meeting. There is no minimum or maximum requirement for Co-Authors. During the Author entry step you may order the authors as to how they should be listed in the program.
Chair/Organizer – This individual organizes the symposium, roundtable/scientific discussion or poster forum. The chai/organizer is responsible for coordinating the presenters’ abstracts, selecting the theme for the submission (note all abstracts within an organized session must have the same theme) and that the presenters and discussant attend the meeting. The Chair/Organizer acts as moderator to ensure presenters keep to the 15-minute time limit and to facilitate the open discussion segment of the session. The Chai/Organizer must attend the meeting. There is a minimum and maximum of one Chair/Organizer for an organized symposium, roundtable/scientific dialogue and poster forum.
Discussant – This is an optional role in organized symposia and poster forums and a required role in roundtable discussions/scientific dialogues. Discussants are not expected to give presentations. In an organized symposium/poster forum a discussants role/goal is to identify common themes among the presentations, clarify the big-picture, and integrate the research presentations. In a roundtable/scientific discussion a discussants role is to elaborate on varying perspectives within the specified area or issue. Discussants are not limited to the number of organized symposia or roundtable/scientific dialogues in which they participate.
Note to ALL Presenting Authors, Chairs and Discussants: If your abstract(s) and session(s) are accepted you are required to register for the meeting.