Registration Information



separator1Register and join/renew membership in ONE step!

To get the SPR member discounted conference registration rate, you can RENEW your membership or JOIN at the same time as you REGISTER for the 2016 Annual Meeting. Please make sure to select “Registration & Membership” for regular members and “Registration & Student Membership” for students.
Click here to register and join/renew now.

separator1Registration Information

Attendee registration for the 2016 SPR Annual Meeting includes all conference print materials, conference mobile app, refreshment breaks, Tuesday Evening Poster Session and Opening Reception and NIDA International Poster Session, Wednesday and Thursday Poster Session Receptions, Diversity Network Reception, and the Awards Presentation Reception. Attendee registration includes entry to all plenary sessions, invited symposium, organized paper symposium, organized poster forums, roundtable discussions, “20 x 20” presentation, grouped paper sessions, Brown Bag Special Interest Group meetings and exhibits. All presenters are required to register for the conference. Attendee registration for the May 31st Pre-conference Workshops is a separate registration fee. The pre-conference workshop registration includes workshop handout materials and refreshment breaks. To be eligible for member registration rates, 2016 membership dues must be paid with registration.

Annual Meeting Registration Rates

Registration Type Early Bird On or Before 5/4/2016 Full Registration On or Before 5/27/2016 Onsite
Member $390 $490 $525
Non-Member $560 $660 $695
Student Member $175 $200 $225
Student Non-Member $250 $275 $300
Registration and Membership $560 $660 $695
Registration and Student Membership $250 $275 $300

Pre-conference Workshop Registration Rates

Registration Type Early Bird On or Before 5/4/2016 Full Registration On or Before 5/27/2016 Onsite
Member and Non-Member $150 $175 $200
Student (Member and Non-Member) $75 $100 $125

Other Events

Registration Type Early Bird On or Before 5/4/2016 Full Registration On or Before 5/27/2016 Onsite
International Networking Forum Free Free Free
ECPN Lunch $20 $20 $20
Annual SPR Dance $20 $20 $20
Annual SPR Dance (students) $10 $10 $10

Please note that all quoted rates are in US Dollars. All registration payments must be made in US Dollars via MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or check. Cancellations must be received in writing by May 4 and are subject to a $50 administrative fee. After May 4 registration fees are non-refundable. Refunds will be processed after the annual meeting. No refunds will be made for no-shows. A returned check fee of $30 will be assessed for all returned check.