ECPN Events

ECPN LUNCHEON: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Strategies for Early Career Professionals

Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Time: 11:45 – 12:45pm

ECPN LUNCH (registration required)

Welcome and Introductions:  Marie-Hélène Véronneau, ECPN Chair

Co-Chairs:  Courtney Baker, Melissa Cox

Have you ever felt that your success was mostly a matter of luck or good timing? Have you ever had difficulty internalizing accomplishments or felt that you’ve fooled people into believing you’re more intelligent than you are? This session will describe how the Imposter Syndrome works and provide action-oriented steps for moving past these feelings of self-doubt. This session will be directed to how the Imposter Syndrome plays out among early career professionals. Specific strategies for overcoming the Imposter Syndrome during early career years will be discussed to encourage goals related to academic publishing, research dissemination, grants submission, and building a program of research.


11:30-11:45 Pick up lunch and select a table

11:45-11:55 Introduction

11:55-12:30 Content and moderated table discussions

12:30-12:45 Closure activity

Table Discussants

Jessica Cance

Diego Garcia-Huidobro

Sarah Lindstrom-Johnson

Krista Mehari

Elise Pas



ECPN SESSION I: Developing a Logic Model in Prevention Research: An Interactive Session

Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Time: 3:00-4:30pm

Co-Chairs: Emily Hennessy, Kimberly Rhoades


Brittany Cooper, Washington State University

Louise Parker, Washington State University

Emily Doolittle, NCER, IES, Department of Education

Developing a logic model or theory of change to guide a project is critical to developing a research project, seeking extramural funding, evaluating program implementation, and communicating findings to stakeholders. However, developing a coherent, organized, and meaningful logic model is harder than it sounds. This interactive session will guide participants through an example of creating a logic model and participants will be prompted to apply their learning to their own work.


ECPN SESSION II: How Do You Use Social Media in Prevention Research?

Date: Friday, June 2, 2017

Time: 8:30 – 10:00am

Co-Chairs: Katrina Debnam, Kai Wei


William Frey, Columbia University, SAFE Lab

Eric Rice, University of South Carolina

Aaron Wagner, The Methodology Center, The Pennsylvania State University

Social media provides a platform for the public to express or share information. Its emergence has largely transformed the dynamics of how people communicate by allowing the sharing of information instantaneously and interactively among individuals, groups, organizations, and governments. It is important to use social media platforms such as social networking sites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter) as sources of publicly available data, as intervention platforms, and for dissemination of research.



Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Time: 8:15-9:15pm

Chair: Marie-Hélène Véronneau

Come join us at the annual Early Career Preventionists Network (ECPN) Networking Social to connect with students, postdocs, and early career professionals and learn more about becoming active in ECPN. SPR/ECPN Travel Award winners will be acknowledged during the Social. Light refreshments will be provided.

ECPN is an official standing committee of the SPR that seeks to link students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career individuals who are interested in prevention science and to foster the development of early career preventionists. All SPR attendees/members who are students or who are within ten years of receiving their terminal degree are automatically members of ECPN. ECPN members contribute to SPR in various ways; for example, they participate in other SPR committees and communicate relevant information (such as prevention-related employment opportunities) through their listserv and webpage. In addition, ECPN provides high-quality conference programming relevant to early career preventionists, including symposia and the annual luncheon, and many opportunities for informal information exchanges.



The ECPN Student Poster Contest was initiated in 2009 to encourage student attendance and participation in the annual meeting, increase student visibility at the conference, and attract new student members to SPR and ECPN. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to enter. The posters will be displayed during the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening SPR poster sessions, and winners will be announced on Thursday at the awards presentation. The top 3 poster winners will receive a $250 travel award plus a free 1-year SPR membership. Honorable mention poster authors will receive a 1-year SPR membership. SPR memberships will be awarded for the next year (2017).  Judging criteria include impact, significance, rigor, appropriateness of method and analysis, and communication of content.  We are very excited that the ECPN Student Poster Contest continues to be an annual event.



We all love the session coffee breaks, but now there is another reason: the ECPN Table (located in the registration area).  Drop by to meet other early career prevention scientists, pick up information about ECPN conference sessions and other upcoming training events, and pick up your ECPN name badge ribbon.  Also, take a look at our jobs board and feel free to share information about open postings with your colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there!  Make sure you enter our raffle for the chance to win a free 1-year SPR membership. 



Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Time: 6:45am-7:45am

Chair: Melissa Cox

Location: Hotel Lobby (Hyatt Regency Washington)

Join your friends and colleagues for a fun run/walk on the National Mall. Meet in the hotel lobby and join us for a fun run or a relaxing walk. Strollers are welcome. All are invited!


Date: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Time: 10:15 am -11:45am

Co-Chairs: Laura Griner Hill (SPR Training Committee) and Marie-Hélène Véronneau (ECPN)

Location: Regency B

Significant advances in prevention science are often due to a team of individuals working closely together across many years. In recognition of the importance of the collaborative process to the field, the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) will sponsor a friendly competition amongst teams of early career researchers for the honor of bringing home the traveling Sloboda and Bukoski SPR Cup for the 2017-2018 academic year. The Cup is named for two of the founders and longtime active members of SPR, Dr. Zili Sloboda and Dr. William Bukoski. The Cup competition is an opportunity for an unique experience: several independent teams of early-career scientists, each working with the same data set, problem solve together for a brief period of time and then jointly present the results of their work to a panel of mid-career and senior prevention scientists and to the SPR membership.


Date and Time:  Throughout the Conference

Chaired by the Membership Communications Committee and Supported by ECPN

Join the 2nd Annual SPR Scavenger Hunt for chances to win an SPR Membership and gift cards! You and your team members will search for the items on the scavenger hunt list throughout the annual conference. Be sure to sign up when you register for the conference.