Travel Awards


2023 SPR ECPN Annual Meeting Travel Award Program
2023 SPR Minority Annual Meeting Travel Award Program

2023 SPR ECPN Annual Meeting Travel Award Program

Application Deadline: Monday, April 10, 2023

The Society for Prevention Research ECPN Travel Award Program is now accepting applications online for the 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. All applications are due by Monday, April 10, 2023.

Program Purpose: The SPR/ECPN Travel Award Program is designed to provide support for researchers early in their careers to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be members of SPR. Applicants may submit membership applications at the same time as their travel award application. Applicants will be selected by the ECPN Steering Committee based on need and whether or not the applicant will be presenting at the annual meeting.

Awards: Travel awards have typically been in the $250-$500 range to be used towards expenses associated with attending the Annual Meeting (such as airfare, hotel, meals, registration, etc.). The ECPN Committee will make a concerted effort to notify applicants of awards via e-mail by Wednesday, April 24, 2023.  (Early Bird registration deadline is Monday, May 1, 2023.)

Please note that eligible applicants may also apply for the SPR Minority Travel Award Program. However, only one or the other award, not both, may potentially be awarded.


The Early Career Preventionists Network (ECPN) is a standing committee of the Society for Prevention Research.  Each year the ECPN plans several events and activities on the SPR Annual Meeting program.  These include the ECPN Luncheon and session, two invited sessions which address topics of special interest for early career prevention researchers, the ECPN Social Event, and the ECPN Student Poster Contest. All conference attendees are welcome to attend all EPCN events and activities.  We especially encourage all ECPN Travel Award recipients to attend.

Questions? Further information can be obtained from Jennifer Lewis at 703-934-4850, ext. 213 or

2023 SPR Minority Annual Meeting Travel Award Program

Application Deadline: Monday, April 10, 2023

The Society for Prevention Research Minority Travel Award Program is now accepting applications online for the 2023 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. All applications are due by Monday, April 10, 2023.

Program Purpose: The SPR Minority Travel Award Program is designed to provide support for students and researchers of underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups to attend the Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens who are members of the following underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups: Black, African American; Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a; Asian, Pacific Islander; American Indian, Native American. Applicants will be selected by the SPR Diversity Network Committee based on need and whether or not the applicant will be presenting at the annual meeting. As always, special consideration will be given to those who are new to the field of prevention. Eligible applicants must be members of SPR.  Applicants may submit membership applications at the same time as their travel award application.

Awards: Travel awards have typically been in the $250-$500 range to be used towards expenses associated with attending the Annual Meeting (such as airfare, hotel, meals, registration, etc.). The Diversity Network Committee will make a concerted effort to notify applicants of awards via e-mail by Monday, April 24, 2023. (Early Bird registration deadline is Monday, May 1, 2023.)

Please note that eligible applicants may also apply for the SPR ECPN Travel Award Program. However, only one or the other award, not both, may potentially be awarded.


The Diversity Network Committee (DNC) is a standing committee of the Society for Prevention Research.  Each year the DNC plans events and activities on the SPR Annual Meeting program. These include the Diversity Network Reception and invited sessions which address topics of special interest for minority prevention researchers and researchers who are interested in conducting prevention research with populations diverse with respect to race, ethnicity and culture, both within the U.S. and across international communities.  All conference attendees are welcome to attend all DNC events and activities.  We especially encourage all Minority Travel Award recipients to attend.

Questions? Further information can be obtained from Jennifer Lewis at 703-934-4850, ext. 213 or