Health and Safety COVID-19 Protocols


We are looking forward to your participation in the Society for Prevention Research 31st Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington, DC

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Tests

COVID-19 vaccinations and negative COVID-19 tests are highly recommended, however, proof of COVID-19 vaccinations or negative COVID-19 tests are not required to attend the SPR 2023 conference.


Masks are highly recommended, though not required, in all SPR-2023 Meeting space (i.e., meeting rooms, poster room, registration area, events space). SPR will have a limited supply of masks at the SPR Registration Desk and throughout the meeting space; we do recommend you bring your own as well.

Proximity Name Badge Lanyards (Social Distancing) – How close should I get to someone?

SPR will provide color-coded name badge lanyards at the registration desk. These are color-coded lanyards to make individual preferences known without anyone having to say a word. The lanyards take a cue from traffic lights: Red indicates — Hi! I’m staying back & keeping my distance; yellow indicates — Hi! I’m still being cautious & prefer no contact; green indicates –Hi! I’m OK with hugs, handshakes and high-fives (frequent hand washing!).

Experiencing Symptoms?

While at the meeting, if you are exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms, have knowingly been exposed to COVID-19, or have received a positive COVID-19 test we ask that you remain in your hotel room. Of course, if any of the above, prior to traveling to the meeting, please do not attend.

SPR reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time.