Presenters Instructions

Virtual Presenters: We understand that one or more of your co-presenting authors may be unable to attend the 2023 conference in person. Meeting rooms will have an Internet connection. This is a “DIY” set-up. You must coordinate with your session organizer/chair/volunteer moderator and use yours or their own Zoom or other meeting program to “Zoom-in” as a presenter. Registration is required of all in person presenters. Virtual presenters are expected to register for the Livestreaming rate

Instructions for 20 by 20 presentations
Instructions for individual poster
These instructions apply to the Wednesday, NIDA International Poster Session, and the Wednesday and Thursday evening poster sessions.
Instructions for Organized Paper Symposium and Individual Papers

Virtual Presenters: We understand that one or more of your co-presenting authors may be unable to attend the 2023 conference in person. Meeting rooms will have an Internet connection. This is a “DIY” set-up. You must coordinate with your session organizer/chair/volunteer moderator and use yours or their own Zoom or other meeting program to “Zoom-in” as a presenter. Registration is required of all in person presenters. Virtual presenters are expected to register for the Livestreaming rate

Instructions for Roundtable/Scientific Dialogue Instructions download
Instructions for TED-Like Talk Presentations download
Instructions for Tech Demo Presentations