ECPN Events

Make the Most Out of SPR 2024 by Engaging, Partnering, and Collaborating!

SPR Annual Meeting Orientation – What is Prevention Science? | Download PDF

What to Expect at SPR 2024 | Download PDF


We all love the session coffee breaks, but now there is another reason: the ECPN Table (located in the registration area).  Drop by to meet other early career prevention scientists, pick up information about ECPN conference sessions and other upcoming training events, and pick up your ECPN name badge ribbon.  We look forward to seeing you there!  Make sure you enter our raffle for the chance to win a free 1-year SPR membership.


Pick up your “CHALLENGE CARD” at the ECPN TABLE and the ECPN EVENTS.

Check off the ECPN events you attend and enter a raffle to win free membership for 2025!


All contestant posters will be presented at the evening poster sessions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 5:30 pm – 7:10 pm

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm

The ECPN Student Poster Contest was initiated in 2009 to encourage student attendance and participation in the annual meeting, increase student visibility at the conference, attract new student members to SPR and ECPN, and encourage existing student members to become full members upon graduation. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to enter. The posters will be displayed during the Tuesday and Wednesday evening SPR poster sessions, and winners will be announced on Thursday at the awards presentation. The winners will receive a monetary award plus a free 1-year SPR membership. Honorable mention poster presenting authors will receive a 1-year SPR membership. SPR memberships will be awarded for the next year (2025).  We are very excited that the ECPN Student Poster Contest continues to be an annual event. Come browse the poster presentations and be sure to stop by to learn about the research of the ECPN Poster Contestants!


Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 7:15 am – 8:25 am

Hyatt Regency Washington – Hall of Battles, Ballroom Level

Please stop by!


Developing an Elevator Pitch for Your Research

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 11:55 am – 1:00 pm

Regency B, Ballroom Level

Registration required.

Welcome and Introductions:  Larissa Gaias

Co-Chairs and Organizers

  • Alyssa Lozano, University of Miami
  • Josie Lucretia Bryan, University of Florida
  • Emily Hennessy, University of Connecticut

Description: This session will focus on developing a concise description of participants’ program of research or “elevator pitch” for use throughout the conference and across career stages. This workshop will showcase examples of effective elevator pitches and participants will have opportunities to develop their own pitch and receive feedback from peers and session organizers.


Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6:45 am – 7:45 am

Hotel Lobby

Description: Join your friends and colleagues for a fun run/walk on the National Mall. Meet in the hotel lobby and join us for a fun run or a relaxing walk. Strollers are welcome. All are invited!


Sustainability of Preventive Interventions in Community Settings

Thursday, May 30, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm


  • Silvia Alves Nishioka, Teachers College Columbia University
  • Sydni A. J. Basha, Arizona State University


  • Lisa Saldana, Chesnut Health Systems
  • Cady Berkel, Arizona State University
  • David Chambers, National Cancer Institute

Description: This session will focus on current research, knowledge, challenges, and suggestions regarding the sustainment phase of the implementation process. The panel will share and discuss their experiences on implementing preventive interventions in community settings and discuss how to foster collaborative partnerships to promote future sustainment/sustainability. Panelists will offer best practices on designing studies and establishing collaborative relationships with community partners to facilitate sustainment/sustainability. The session will also provide opportunities for Q&A around challenges in this area.


19th Annual Society for Prevention Research Sloboda and Bukoski SPR Cup

Significant advances in prevention science are often due to a team of individuals working closely together across many years. In recognition of the importance of the collaborative process to the field, the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) will sponsor a friendly competition amongst teams of early career researchers for the honor of bringing home the Sloboda and Bukoski SPR Cup. The Cup is named for two of the founders and long-time active members of SPR, Dr. Zili Sloboda and Dr. William Bukoski. The competition is an opportunity for a unique experience: several independent teams of scientists, each working with the same data set, problem solve together for a brief period of time and then jointly present the results of their work to each other and to a panel of senior prevention scientists and the SPR membership.


The dataset for this year’s competition is the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study.

This is a longitudinal dataset with approximately 4,700 children born in 20 large US cities. The sample was selected through a stratified random sampling design that oversampled nonmarital births at a three-to-one ratio with the purpose of learning more about the context and consequences of ‘fragile families’ in the US. The first round of data collection started at the birth of the child between 1998 and 2000.

Leading up to the meeting, each team conducted a literature review, generated hypotheses, conducted analyses, and prepared for a 15-minute symposium talk on their results. Teams will present their results during this highlighted, invited symposium at the SPR annual meeting. A panel of senior prevention scientist judges and the audience at the symposium will rate the quality of the research work and of the presentation. The highest scoring team will be recognized and awarded the 2024 SPR Cup during the SPR Awards Ceremony.

 Team 1: Less is Roar, Penn State University. Captain: Avery Chahl

Team 2: UML APPS, University of Massachusetts Lowell. Captain: Alexandra Winstead

Team 3: PreventiGators, University of Florida. Captain. Jose Bryan

Team 4: Global Fusion: Research United, Penn State University. Captain: Miglena Y. Ivanova


  • Rashelle J. Musci, The Johns Hopkins University
  • Larissa Gaias, University of Washington


Thursday, May 30, 2024, 6:00 pm – 6:40 pm

Hyatt Regency Washington – Regency Ballroom A

Description: Join us to celebrate the announcement of this year’s SPR awardees, Fellows, ECPN Award winners, and the ECPN Student Poster Contest and Winning Team of the SPR Cup.


Thursday, May 30, 2024, 8:15 pm – 10:00 pm

Hyatt Regency Washington

Description: Take a break from conference sessions and join us for an informal networking social- see old colleagues and make new contacts! This is an opportunity to connect with early career professionals from multiple disciplines, learn more about ECPN, and most importantly, have fun. You don’t have to be an active member of ECPN to attend, all early career individuals (students, postdocs, and professionals) are welcome!


Mixed Methods Research: Effective Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology

Friday, May 31, 2024, 8:15 am – 9:45 am


  • Chanler D. Hilley, Arizona State University
  • Matthew J. Valente, University of South Florida
  • Max Halvorson, University of Washington


  • Joanna J. Kim, Arizona State University
  • Katrina J. Debnam, University of Virginia
  • Jacinda K. Dariotis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Jennifer Lynn Alvidrez, NIMHD

Mixed methods research consists of the thoughtful combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The interplay between these types of research can better inform the development of preventive interventions. Panelists will provide examples of how they have used mixed methods research to harness the strengths of qualitative and quantitative research for data collection, refining theory, and developing interventions for youth and families. The session will also provide opportunities for Q&A around challenges in implementing effective mixed methods research and successfully competing for funding for mixed methods studies.