at 15th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC

Society for Prevention Research
2007 Awards
June 1, 2007

Our first award this afternoon is the Public Service Award, which is given in recognition of extensive and effective advocacy for prevention science. This year we are pleased to recognize Senator Tom Harkin for his leadership, commitment, and support of scientific efforts to prevent the most serious social and health problems in our country. Senator Harkin has continuously and vigorously supported chronic disease prevention and health promotion in his legislative work. As one example, recently he introduced the Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention (HeLP) America Act, which would bring about a shift in focus from treatment toward prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles. His advocacy and commitment to prevention has helped support research that brings us closer to becoming a country where most children can grow up to be healthy, productive, and caring members of their communities, and where most families have the skills and resources to cope successfully with life’s challenges. At this time, I would like to introduce Janelle Krishnamoorthy, who will accept the award on behalf of Senator Harkin.

The Prevention Science Award is given in recognition of a significant body of research that has applied scientific methods to test preventive interventions or policies. This year we are pleased to recognize a team of individuals, including Dr. Phil Palmgreen, Dr. Lewis Donohew, Dr. Nancy Grant Harrington, and Dr. Elizabeth Lorch at the University of Kentucky Departments of Communication and Psychology. During the past twenty years, this group of researchers has worked together to develop and test the SENsation TARgeting or SENTAR model, which applies message-based communication theories and mass communication strategies to the development of public health campaigns directed at high sensation-seeking adolescents. Their ground-breaking work has been a prototype for how to translate theory-driven laboratory findings into effective drug abuse prevention interventions. In addition to their outstanding contributions to the science of drug abuse prevention, this group has had a profound effect on drug abuse policy at the national level through the application of their model to the national anti-drug campaign conducted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Their impact on the prevention field has been wide ranging, with recent applications of the SENTAR model to campaigns focused on unsafe sex, poor eating habits, and seat belt use. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Lewis Donohew, who is one of the members of the SENTAR research team.

The International Collaborative Prevention Research Award is given for contributions to the field of prevention science in the area of international collaboration. This year we are pleased to present this award toDrs. Linda Caldwell and Edward Smith. Dr. Caldwell is a Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, and Human Development and Family Studies at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Smith is the Director of Evaluation Research for the Prevention Research Center at Penn State and also serves as the Director of the NIDA-funded Prevention and Methodology Training Program. Since 1998, Drs. Caldwell and Smith have conducted research in many international contexts, collaborating with colleagues in Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, China, Germany, Guatemala, Slovenia, South Africa, and Togo. Currently, they are Co-PI’s on a collaborative randomized control trial that is testing the effectiveness of HealthWise, a comprehensive leisure education and risk reduction curriculum designed to reduce HIV/AID transmission and substance abuse among South African adolescents. This dedicated research team has worked tirelessly to foster health outcomes for youth and strengthen the research infrastructure in South Africa. Let us welcome Linda Caldwell and Ed Smith.
The Science to Practice Award is given in recognition of continued support for the implementation of research-based prevention practices in real world settings. This year we recognize Dr. Patricia Chamberlain, Research Scientist at the Oregon Social Learning Center. Over the past two decades, Dr. Chamberlain has been committed to translating prevention research to practice and policy within the contexts of child welfare, juvenile justice, and mental health systems. She is the developer of the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) model, an alternative to group, residential, and institutional placement for youngsters with severe behavioral and mental health problems, which has been recognized as a model program by Blueprints for Violence Prevention and other prominent organizations. She has been the Principal Investigator on numerous randomized trials examining the efficacy of MTFC and other special foster care programs. More recently, she has become a leading figure in the science on implementation of evidence-based practices, including her current NIMH-funded randomized statewide study in California comparing two types of agency support to facilitate implementation fidelity of MTFC. In addition to her exceptional scientific work, throughout her career she has provided training, and engaged in other services to governmental and community organizations to forge a reach-to-practice agenda for effective programs for children and their families. Please welcome Dr. Patricia Chamberlain.

The Presidential Award is given to those who have made a major lifetime contribution to prevention science research. This year we are pleased and proud to present the Presidential award to Irwin Sandler, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Prevention Research Center at Arizona State University. Irwin has been a leader in the mental health prevention field for the past 30 years. His distinguished research career has focused on the development and evaluation of interventions to prevent mental health problems for children in stress. His prevention trials have beautifully illustrated how one can effectively utilize theory to build interventions, rigorously test them, and identify the mediating variables that account for program effects. As the director of an NIMH-supported prevention research center for the past two decades, he has mentored numerous prevention scientists who themselves have developed notable careers. In 2000, he and his colleagues at the Arizona State University Prevention Research Center received a Presidential Citation for outstanding contributions to the mental health of children and families in stress. He has been awarded many additional honors, including SPR’s award as a Friend of the Early Career Prevention Network, an APA award for Distinguished Contributions to Theory and Research in Community Psychology. Please join me in welcoming Irwin Sandler.

The Community, Culture, and Prevention Science Award recognizes contributions to the field of prevention science in the area of community and culture. This year, we are pleased to honor Dr. Les Whitbeck, Bruhn Professor of Sociology at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. For the past decade, Dr. Whitbeck has worked with Native American tribes to study the etiology of drug abuse and mental health disorders, and to develop and evaluate prevention interventions. In many ways, Dr. Whitbeck has set the standard for working with cultural groups through his use of community participatory techniques. He has developed partnerships and trusting relationships with multiple Native American tribes, respectfully translating their concerns and hopes into strength-based intervention strategies. Through his approach of involving tribal members in the design and implementation of interventions, he has helped to build tribal community capacity for sustaining prevention efforts. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Cleve Redmond, who will accept the award on behalf of Les Whitbeck.

The Translation Research Award is given for transdisciplinary scientific work that has a significant impact on prevention science. This year, SPR is pleased to honor Dr. David Reiss, Vivian Gill Distinguished Research Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Medicine, and Director of the Center for Family Research at the George Washington University Medical Center. Dr. Reiss’s innovative research has focused on the role of families in the development of emotional and behavioral disorders and resilience. For almost two decades, he has investigated the intersection of genetic and environmental influences in the links between families and problem behaviors. He has been a forceful advocate for integrating genetic and psychiatric research with the field of prevention science. Throughout his career, he has been a dedicated mentor to researchers in a wide variety of disciplines, encouraging them to consider how their work can inform prevention interventions. David’s professional service on important national committees attests to his commitment to prevention science. From 1989 to 1993, he chaired the NIMH National Conference on Prevention Research, and in 1997 served as chair of the NIH Consensus Development Conference on Intervention to Prevent HIV Risk Behaviors. SPR bestows this Translation Research Award to David in recognition of the significant impact of his work on the field of prevention science. Please join me in welcoming David Reiss.

The Service to SPR Award is given in recognition of outstanding service to the Society for Prevention Research. This year we are pleased to recognize John Ernst, Director of the Bureau of Prevention Research and Evidenced-Based Practices at the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services. Since 2001, John has served as chair of the SPR Partner Organizations Committee. In that capacity, he has attended each of the annual board retreats and contributed significantly to the organization in many ways. Mr. Ernst has been the driving force in the development of the partnership between SPR and the National Prevention Network (NPN). He has been instrumental in developing reciprocal tracks at the SPR and NPN annual conferences. Also, he currently serves on the SPR Knowledge Task Force. John brings the perspective of the practitioner to SPR’s discussions about how to foster collaboration between scientists and practitioners, drawing upon his more than 30 years of experience in the field of alcohol and substance abuse prevention. Please welcome John Ernst.

The Nan Tobler Award for Review of the Prevention Science Literature is given for contributions to the summarization or articulation of the empirical evidence relevant to prevention science. This year, we are pleased to give this award to Dr. David Foxcroft, Professor of Health Care Practice at Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. In 2002, Dr. Foxcroft conducted a literature review for the World Health Organization on what works in alcohol and drug abuse prevention. This led to a systematic review of the literature, sponsored by the international Cochrane Collaboration, which identified and summarized psychosocial and educational programs aimed at the primary prevention of alcohol misuse by young people. Dr. Foxcroft’s reviews have contributed greatly to our understanding of the evidence base for alcohol abuse prevention. Please welcome Bill Hansen, who will accept the award on behalf of Dr. Foxcroft.