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This year, we are pleased and proud to present the ninth cohort of SPR Fellows. The SPR Fellowship is an honor that the Society for Prevention Research bestows upon a small and select group of members who have a particularly distinguished record of contributions in the field of prevention research. A distinguished record reflects a substantial body of work that has had a broad and significant impact on prevention science.

Bonnie Leadbeater, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Psychology
University of Victoria


Presidential Award
Flavio Marsiglia, PhD
Center Director and Regents Professor
School of Social Work
Global Center for Applied Health Research
Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions
Arizona State University

Prevention Science Award
Jeff Temple, PhD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Sealy and Smith Chair of Violence Prevention
Director, Center for Violence Prevention
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Advances in Culture and Diversity in Prevention Science Award
Emilie Smith, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology
Human Development and Family Studies
CSS Distinguished Senior Scholar
Michigan State University

Public Service Award
Debra Furr-Holden, PhD
CS Mott Endowed Professor in Public Health
Associate Dean for Public Health Integration
Director of the Flint Center for Health Equity Solutions
College of Human Medicine
Michigan State University

Translation Science Award
Christine Lee, PhD
Research Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Associate Director, Center for the Study for Health and Risk Behaviors
University of Washington

Nan Tobler Award for the Review of the Prevention Science Literature
Jeffrey C. Valentine, PhD
Professor and Program Coordinator of Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation
Department of Counseling and Human Development
College of Education and Human Development
University of Louisville

International Collaborative Prevention Research Award
Livia Edegger, MA
Deputy Director
International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment of Professionals (ISSUP)

Service to SPR Award
Sarah M. Chilenski, PhD
Senior Research Associate & Associate Research Professor
Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center
College of Health and Human Development
The Pennsylvania State University

Ashley A. Knapp, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Feinberg School of Medicine
Center for Technology and Behavioral Health
Northwestern University

Keryn E. Pasch, MPH, PhD
Associate Professor and Program Director
Health Behavior and Health Education
Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
The University of Texas at Austin


ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award
Nadine Finigan-Carr, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Professor and Assistant Director of the Ruth Young Center
for Families and Children
University of Maryland
School of Social Work

Friend of ECPN Award
C. Douglas Coatsworth, PhD
Betsey Bush Endowed Professor in Behavioral Health
Associate Dean for Research
College of Social Work
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville


The Society for Prevention Research expresses special thanks to the top manuscript reviewers for Prevention Science.
Mike Allen, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Courtenay Barrett, PhD, Michigan State University
W. Alex Mason, PhD, University of Tennessee
Aleta Meyer, PhD, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services
Rodrigo Rojas-Andrade, PhD, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
William Wieczorek, PhD, University at Buffalo, SUNY

The Society for Prevention Research wishes to congratulate the Early-Career Mentored Editorial Board Members. The following individuals have completed their terms:
Jennifer M. Cadigan, PhD, University of Washington
Larissa Gaias, PhD, University of Washington
Raven Weaver, PhD, Washington State University
Na Zhang, PhD, Arizona State University

The following individuals are current Early-Career Mentored Editorial Board Members:
Tara Bautista, PhD, Arizona State University
Chelsea A.K. Duran, PhD, University of Virginia
Lucine Francis, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Amanda M. Griffin, PhD, University of Oregon
Chandler Hilley, PhD, Arizona State University
Chynna S. McCall, PhD, University of Missouri
Gabriel J. Merrin, PhD, Texas Tech University
Laura Michaelson, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder
Ani Movsisyan, PhD, University of Munich
Kelly O’Connor, PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University
Karey L. O’Hara, PhD, Arizona State University
Katrina Prior, PhD, University of Sydney
Kylie Routledge, PhD, University of Sydney
Gitanjali Shrestha, PhD, Washington State University
Nicole Tuitt, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

SPR 2021 Recognition and Honors Committee
SPR Fellows
Beth Stormshak, PhD, Chair
Brenna Bry, PhD
C. Douglas Coatsworth, PhD
Greta Massetti, PhD
Elizabeth Robertson, PhD
Sharlene Wolchik, PhD

SPR Awards
Beth Stormshak, PhD, Chair
Kimberly DuMont, PhD
Renee Johnson, PhD
Elizabeth Robertson, PhD
Emily Tanner-Smith, PhD
John Toumbourou, PhD

ECPN 2021 Awards Committee
Deinera Exner-Cortens, PhD, Chair
ECPN Steering Committee