conflicts of interest may arise out of commitments involving honoraria, consultant
relationships, participation in a speakers bureau, stock holdings or options,
royalties, ownership of a company or patent, research contracts or grants, and,
in some instances, being an official representative of another organization.
Guiding Principles
SPR members should seek to determine their own, their clients', and other stakeholders'
interests concerning the conduct and outcomes of their research. Such interests
may be related to the advancement of their careers, or may be financial or political
in nature.
SPR members should disclose relevant sources of financial support, and pertinent
personal or professional interests, to their employers or clients, to the sponsors
of their professional work, and in public speeches and written publications.
SPR members should not misrepresent their procedures, data or findings. They should
report their findings fully and should not omit relevant data. They should report
study results regardless of whether these results support or contradict expected
outcomes. Within reasonable limits, they should attempt to prevent or correct
any substantial misuses of their work by others.
SPR members should take particular care to state all relevant limitations that
may bear on or bias the findings and interpretation of their research, including
underlying assumptions, theories, methods, measures, and research designs.
After research results are published, SPR members should not unreasonably withhold
the data on which their conclusions are based from other competent professionals
who seek to verify their substantive claims through reanalysis, and who intend
to use such data only for that purpose. Study data should be shared as long as
the confidentiality of the participants can be adequately protected, obligations
to collaborators as well as community and institutional partnerships are met,
and unless legal rights concerning proprietary data preclude their release. To
that end, SPR members should keep data available and retain documentation relating
to the research for seven (7 ) years after publication or dissemination of results.
1. Candidates for any elected office will sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Statement before the election, and this statement will be publicly available.
SPR Board members, Officers and the Chairs of all Board Committees, will update
their Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statment on a yearly basis.
All individuals submitting manuscripts for publication in SPRs journal Prevention
Science will submit a signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.
All individuals submitting abstracts for presentation at SPR sponsored meetings
will submit a signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement.
When conducting an SPR sponsored review of prevention programs, reviewers are
required to disclose any of the above conflicts of interest, and when conflicts
of interest are of sufficient concern they should not participate in the evaluation
of summary.
Society for
Prevention Research
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Statement Policy
Officers, Directors, Commitee Chairs
(including Nominees for these positions)
Directors, and Committee Chairs of the Society for Prevention Research shall avoid
conflicts of interest that have an impact on Society business or policy; shall
reveal conflicts of interest and potential or perceived conflicts of interest
to the president, past president or senior staff of the Society; and shall withdraw
from making any decisions or voting on any issues involving Society business or
policy when confronted with a conflict of interest concerning the matter at issue
in the decision or vote.
conflict of interest exists when an Officer, Director, or Committee Chair:
Acting in his/her official Society capacity knows that s/he, spouse, parent, sibling
or child has a financial interest that could be substantially affected by the
outcome of the decision or vote in question.
Has reason to believe that a possible outcome of a decision or vote is likely
to be directly adverse or favorable to the interest of his/her employer or client,
or other party involved with the professional activities of that Officer, Director
or Committee Chair.
Has a personal bias, prejudice, or interest such that s/he believes s/he cannot
make an unbiased decision in the best interests of the Society.
of Interest Disclosure Statement
___ I have either no or inconsequential conflicts of interest.
I have a conflict of interest, as described in the attached document.
by the Board of Directors or its designee as to the existence of a conflict of
interest shall be final.
agree that I shall adhere to the above stated policy throughout my term as
_________________________of the Society for Prevention Research and submit updated
conflicts of interest disclosure statements as necessary.
_____________________ |
______________ |
for Prevention Research
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement Policy
Abstract Submission
goals of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) are to promote the advancement
of science-based prevention programs and policies through empirical research.
The Society has a fundamental interest in ensuring that its educational programs,
journal and service activities are consistent with these goals. The purpose of
this Disclosure Statement is to ask prospective participants in SPR activities
to consider whether or not they may have a conflict of interest, financial or
otherwise, that may compromise or appear to compromise the objectivity or unbiased
nature of their presentations.
conflicts of interest may arise out of commitments involving honoraria, consultant
relationships, participation in a speakers’ bureau, stock holdings or options,
royalties, ownership of a company or patent, research contracts or grants, and,
in some instances, being an official representative of another organization.
individuals submitting abstracts for presentation at SPR sponsored meetings will
complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement form. Any conflict of interest
should also be announced verbally or in writing (slide, poster, etc.) during presentation
at the SPR meeting or activity.
of Interest Disclosure Statement
I have either no or inconsequential conflicts of interest.
I have a conflict of interest, as described in the attached
is a required field in the on-line abstract submission process. Open ended text
field is available to insert document.)
_____________________ |
______________ |
for Prevention Research
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement Policy
Journal Submission
goals of the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) are to promote the advancement
of science-based prevention programs and policies through empirical research.
The Society has a fundamental interest in ensuring that its journal, educational
programs and service activities are consistent with these goals. The purpose of
this Disclosure Statement is to ask prospective participants in SPR activities
to consider whether or not they may have a conflict of interest, financial or
otherwise, that may compromise or appear to compromise the objectivity or unbiased
nature of their presentations.
conflicts of interest may arise out of commitments involving honoraria, consultant
relationships, participation in a speakers’ bureau, stock holdings or options,
royalties, ownership of a company or patent, research contracts or grants, and,
in some instances, being an official representative of another organization.
individuals submitting manuscripts for publication in SPR’s journal Prevention
Science will complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement form. Any
conflict of interest will be included as a footnote in the published manuscript.
of Interest Disclosure Statement
I have either no or inconsequential conflicts of interest.
I have a conflict of interest, as described in the attached document.