13th Annual Meeting
“Prevention Science to Public Health: Promoting Well-Being in the Population”
Washington, D.C., May 25 – 27, 2005
For more information, contact:
Prabhu Ponkshe, Health Matrix, 703-918-4930
Joe Sutherland, 301-652-1558
Nation’s leading prevention researchers to release new findings on prescription drug abuse among college kids, ecstacy and hiv, teen drinking & driving, obesity and adolescents, and other challenges.
More than 275 researchers presented the latest findings of their work on prevention science, answering questions such as:
– How many children are on pain medication and are they taking the drugs or selling them? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005painmeds)
– Is the drug Ecstasy moving from the gay club scene to raves and other dance events frequented by teenage heterosexuals? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005ecstasy)
– Its prom season: Why don’t young people confide in adults if a friend is doing something harmful? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005drink&drive)
– Sure obesity is a problem, but what do kids think about it?
– How do changes in the brain influence teenagers’ tendency to take risks? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005teenbrains)
– Does the church have a role in preventing suicide among African Americans? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005suicideandchurches)
– Is it at all possible to prevent drinking on college campuses? (www.preventionresearch.org/2005campusdrinking)