is a wonderful opportunity to network with other
prevention scientists, so we welcome your participation
and contributions.
The Early Career Preventionists Network (ECPN)
is a web-based organization that seeks to link
individuals who are interested in prevention
science and to foster the development of early
career preventionists.
Membership into ECPN requires no dues or obligations other than your contribution
to the field of prevention science. Through its listserver and website, ECPN members
have access to prevention-related employment opportunities, topical interest groups,
and information exchanges. email posting where they are encouraged to comments,
The organizational structure of ECPN consists of a Chair who is elected by the
joint members of ECPN and SPR and who serves a two-year term. The Chair-elect
is also elected by the joint members of ECPN and SPR and serves on the Steering
Committee with the Chair for two years before assuming the role of Chair. In addition,
the organization has a Steering Committee consisting of a Membership Chair, a
Training Chair, A Public Relations/Web Site Chair, and an Awards/Operating Rules
Chair. These are appointed positions. Each committee chair has a group of ECPN
volunteers working with them.
ECPN is an official standing committee of the
Society for Prevention Research
(SPR), and conducts much of its administrative
business during SPR’s Annual
Meeting, where it sponsors a variety of
activities, such as ECPN Luncheon and special
symposium. Given this affiliation, ECPN members
are encouraged to also become members of SPR.
The ECPN Chair is an official voting member
of the SPR board. Therefore, only joint members
of ECPN and SPR are able to participate in ECPN
ECPN Listserve
the time when it was established in 1994, one of the most important contributions
of the Early Career Preventionist Network was to provide an interactive listserve
for members to communicate and exchange important information. Members of the
listserve post information about upcoming conferences, employment and training
opportunities. In addition, individuals often posted questions and the membership,
which is made up of early career, mid-level and senior scientists, would reply.
Sometimes only a few people provided responses but on a few occasions many people
would become involved and the exchange of ideas would continue for several days
resulting in a very interesting web-based conversation.
ECPN is now a formal
standing committee of SPR and most individuals belong to both organizations. Much
of the general information regarding conferences, employment and training opportunities
that would have been posted on the ECPN listserve is now included in the member
only SPR E-Bulletin. The Steering Committee of ECPN is concerned that an important
benefit of the ECPN listserve is being underutilized. It is providing this reminder
to members in order to re-energize this function.
Listserves are
useful tools but they can also become burdensome and frustrating to their members
if they are used carelessly.
for Posting to ECPN Listserve
A. Appropriate
The following are
examples of appropriate topics, not an exhaustive list.
Employment Opportunities
Conferences and Training Opportunities
Special issues of journals
New books or reports on prevention
Potential Collaborators
Conference submissions
Research projects
General Questions about Prevention Research
B. General Guidelines for Posting
1. Remember that
this message is being sent to several hundred people. Make sure that the information
or the question is appropriate for the entire membership.
2. If an exchange
becomes more personal or specific then continue it using regular email.
3. Only use the
reply function in your email if you want the entire listserve to read your response.
C. Procedure
for Posting
1. Send your email
message to
2. If your positing
is only informational consider also posting it in the SPR E-Bulletin by sending
it to Jennifer Lewis at
for Joining the ECPN Listserve
To subscribe to
the list, go to
and follow instructions.
have your approval process completed, please
copy & paste your responses to the "ECPN
Listserve Core Database Information Form"
into your email to Ty Ridenour, ECPN Chair
and cc SPR Staff (
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