Talented volunteers are the lifeblood of every membership organization. The Society for Prevention Research offers various opportunities for our members to help advance the mission, vision, values and the strategic plan of the Society by getting involved in our committees. We are now in the process of convening our committees for the 2024-2025 term. Please click here for the list of committees and chairs.

The majority of committee work is handled through monthly Zoom meetings. Committee members then volunteer to work on specific projects to advance the goals and objectives of each committee.

The chair of each committee will invite prospective volunteers to join committees based on the needs of each committee, space available, and applicant interest. SPR members of all career levels, including BA, MA, and PhD students, are welcome!

Following is a brief description of SPR’s committees that are open to our active members.


2025 Conference Program Planning Committee (Conference)
The Conference Program Planning Committee develops the program for the SPR Annual Meeting. The committee develops the Call for Papers which includes the three special themes and the general themes. The committee develops and invites the speakers for the three plenary sessions. Small working groups (chair/co-chairs and 4-6 members) plan the three plenary sessions.  The working groups meet 1-2 times via Zoom. The co-chairs of the abstract review committee oversee the abstract review and selection process. The work of the 2025 Conference Program Planning Committee is starting with a Zoom meeting August 1, 2024.  The Call for Papers will be announced in early September 2024 and the deadline to submit is October 31, 2024. There will be opportunities to serve as an abstract reviewer and on the thematic abstract review committees. Please look for a separate Call for Reviewers in late September.

The 2025 Conference Committee will meet two times in August and then monthly from September through December 2024.

Advocacy (The Prevention Science Advocacy Committee)
The Prevention Science Advocacy Committee (Advocacy) works to further the identification and adoption of evidence-based prevention practices and methods. The committee will advocate for the use of evidence-based prevention methods. It will collaborate with the other committees and task forces relevant to training, publications, and other special projects and activities of the Society. The committee will collaborate with partner organizations to advocate for the funding of science-based prevention research and for the use of evidence-based prevention practices and methods at the local, state and federal levels.

The committee meets via monthly Zoom calls, usually on the first Tuesday of the month, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern. The time commitment includes the monthly, hourly meeting, email communications between the monthly calls to respond to time-sensitive action items, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer..

Diversity Network Committee (DNC)
The Diversity Network Committee (DNC) works to advocate, support, and promote diversity initiatives within SPR specifically for underrepresented racial/ethnic groups as well as to encourage the conduct of prevention research and the design of culturally-relevant interventions that address the various needs of racially and ethnically diverse populations.. The DNC develops and oversees the DNC programming and activities at the SPR Annual Meeting, e.g., the annual DNC Reception and one to two invited symposium, special interest group meeting, and coordinates with other committees and task forces.

The committee meets monthly via conference calls (schedule developed annually). The time commitment includes the monthly, hourly meeting, email communications between the monthly calls to respond to time-sensitive action items, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer.

Early Career Preventionists Network (ECPN)
The Early Career Preventionists Network (ECPN) supports the scientific development of the new members of the prevention science community, serves as a preliminary entry point of new members in the SPR, and provides a training ground for leadership in the SPR. The ECPN Steering Committee is a group of early-career individuals and students that monitor the duties of ECPN Steering Committee members and serve as liaisons to SPR’s other committees and task forces. The ECPN Steering Committee develops and oversees the ECPN programming and activities at the SPR Annual Meeting, e.g., ECPN Lunch, two invited symposia/training sessions, the Student Poster Contest, Student Network Challenge, Buddy Match, Coffee Meet and Greet, and along with the Training Committee oversees the SPR Cup. The ECPN Steering Committee selects, with SPR Board approval, the recipients of the John B. Reid Early Career Preventionists Network Award and the Friend of ECPN Award.

The ECPN Steering Committee meets monthly via conference calls, usually the second Monday of the month, 12:00 – 1:00 pm Eastern. ECPN committees meet monthly or on an as-needed basis, e.g., poster contest, awards, webpage, membership, evaluation, student and programs.

Fund Development Committee
The Fund Development Committee provides guidance and support in raising funds to advance the work and achieve the long-term strategic objectives of the Society. The committee meets on an as needed basis.

International Committee (IC)
The International Committee works to support and expand SPR’s commitment for international prevention research and to promote global health by facilitating collaboration among international researchers, students, practitioners, and policy makers. Communications and interactions with other international prevention-focused organizations promote sharing of innovations and actions occurring around the globe that are key to health promotion. The IC is actively soliciting early and mid-career people to join the committee. Both U.S. and non-U.S. members are needed. The annual IC International Networking Forum, held at SPR’s annual conference, is its keystone event for sharing information, identifying new directions for international collaborations, and supporting new and established members.

The committee has four working groups to advance the goals of the IC: Strategic, Planning, and Structural Workgroup, Research Collaboration Workgroup, Outreach Workgroup and the Communications Workgroup. Starting in 2021 the International Workgroup on Climate Change was formed. The IC develops and oversees the IC programming and activities at the SPR Annual Meeting, e.g., the International Networking Forum and one to two invited symposia and coordinates with other committees and task forces.

The committee meets monthly via Zoom usually on the second Wednesday of the month 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern. Members participate in one or more working groups, and attend the International Networking Forum at least once over a three-year period. The time commitment includes monthly, hourly meetings and email communications between the calls as needed to address action times, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer. The International Workgroup on Climage Change meets monthly via Zoom. Prospective IC members would be asked to submit a brief paragraph regarding one’s interests in the IC.

Membership Committee (Membership)
The Membership Committee determines the needs of current members and develops a plan to retain current members and recruit new members and promote member benefits. The committee works to increase the diversity of its membership in regards to race, age, gender, country of origin, career stage, disciplinary background, methods used, substantive topics covered and subjects of intervention.

The committee meets semi-monthly via Zoom (schedule developed annually). The time commitment includes the semi-monthly, hourly meeting, email communications between the monthly calls as needed to address action times, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer.

Member Communications Committee (Communications)
The Member Communications Committee works to enhance and modernize its communications with members, prevention researchers, policy makers and the public. The committee develops and implements the communications plan which is designed to deliver members up-to-date news and information in prevention, reach out to Prevention Science Programs, and disseminate member news. The committee evaluates metrics to ensure the best promotion tactics are being engaged and works with all other committees and task forces to fill their dissemination needs. A project for the coming year is updating the website content.

The committee meets monthly via Zoom (schedule developed annually). The time commitment includes the monthly, hourly meeting, email communications between the monthly calls to respond to time-sensitive action items, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer.

Publications Committee (Publications)
The Publications Committee oversees the operations of the journal Prevention Science and, on occasions when a vacancy occurs in the editorship of the journal, recommends a new editor to the Board of Directors. The committee meets on an as needed basis. The time commitment includes quarterly, hourly Zoom meetings, email communications between the meetings, as needed to address action times, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer.

Recognition and Honors Committee (Awards and Fellows)
The Recognition and Honors Committee identifies people who are deserving of recognition for their contributions to prevention science. There are two selection committee, the Awards Committee and the Fellows Committee. The Awards Committee recommends to the SPR Board of Directors which individuals or teams shall be recognized for each of the annual SPR Awards. The Fellows Committee recommends to the SPR Board of Directors which SPR members shall be recognized as a SPR Fellow.

Both the Awards and the Fellows selection committees conduct their work via emails and each holds a Zoom meeting(s) scheduled in the first and second quarters of the year. The time commitment includes one to two hourly meetings in the January to March time frame, and email communications between the calls as needed to address action times.

Training Committee (Training)
The Training Committee assesses the training needs of the membership of the Society and develops and implements training opportunities in prevention science for all career levels of scientists and practitioners in responses to those needs. The committee develops and oversees the training programming at the SPR Annual Meeting, e.g., pre-conference and post-workshops and along with the ECPN oversees the SPR Cup. The Committee is responsible for the development of the website list of Graduate Programs in Prevention Science. The committee coordinates with the conference, DNC, ECPN, international, membership, and member communications committees to meet the training needs of the Society.

The committee meets monthly via Zoom (schedule developed annually). The time commitment includes monthly, hourly meetings and email communications between the calls as needed to address action times, and time for specific projects for which committee members may volunteer.

The Society for Prevention Research is an international, multi-disciplinary organization dedicated to advancing scientific investigation about how to prevent negative outcomes and foster well-being for individuals, families, and communities. We also seek to ensure this knowledge promotes a healthy and equitable society through the use of research-informed and socially just programs, practices, and policies.

SPR Board of Directors: https://preventionresearch.org/about-spr/board-of-directors/

Questions:  Contact Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director, at jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org.