ECPN Secondary Data Analysis Opportunity Luncheon (Registration required)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 11:45 am – 1:15 pm, Yorktown
Chair: Ty Ridenour, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Presenters: Donna Coffman, PhD, Pennsylvania State University and Lisa Dierker, PhD, Wesleyan University
The 2009 ECPN Secondary Data Analysis Opportunity luncheon is designed to encourage collaborations between early career prevention scientists with data owners or those knowledgeable about datasets and funding sources to facilitate secondary analysis of data. During the first 30 minutes of the luncheon, early career presenters will describe how using secondary analyses of data helped to jump start the early stages of their careers. Dr. Donna Coffman will share her experiences reanalyzing data for the Sloboda /Bukoski cup which then led to a publication in Prevention Science in addition to some press coverage by the Associated Press. Dr. Lisa Dierker will present her experiences with secondary data analysis, highlighting how it served as a career foundation, both in terms of providing additional training experiences and it’s usefulness for writing grant applications. The next 60 minutes will be open for the luncheon attendees to visit stations around the room to network with (a) owners of datasets who are interested in establishing new collaborations (b) individuals who are knowledgeable about public use datasets that are available and can discuss some of the potential uses for them and (c) representatives from several Institutes of the National Institutes of Health who can discuss funding opportunities to support secondary data analysis research. Dataset owners are encouraged to have handout summaries of their study and to highlight research opportunities. Dataset representatives include Lisa Dierker for Ad Health, Maureen Reynolds for Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research, data owned by Mark Eddy, and National Epidemiological Study of Alcoholism and Related Conditions, Bonnie Knoke for the Study of Early Child Care, Wendy Gerrard for ICPSR, University of Michigan, and Marsha Lopez for the National Survey of Parents and Youth. NIH representatives include Susan Newcomer from NICHD, Amy Goldstein from NIMH, Rick Moser from NCI, Judith Arroyo from NIAAA, and Kathy Etz and Marsha Lopez from NIDA.