Wednesday, June 1, 2011
1:15 pm – 2:45 am
How to Establish International Collaborations Early in Your Career
This year, the theme of the SPR meeting is: Prevention Scientists Promoting Global Health: Emerging Visions for Today and Tomorrow. This theme may encourage SPR members to think about how international prevention work and their international colleagues help them learn new ways to improve fundamental and applied prevention research, and hence to promote populations’ well being worldwide. As the necessity for international collaborations grows over the next decades, it is especially important for young scientists to become familiar with international collaborations. This session will help young preventionists from the U.S. and from other countries to learn about the process of establishing international collaboration and gain ideas for integrating such activities into their career plan. There will be guiding questions to structure this session, as well as a good amount of time for attendees to ask questions to our panel of experts, that will include both senior and junior scientists who have extensive experience working on international projects (about 2 or 3 panelists at each career level). The main topics to be covered may include: (1) strategies to create a network of international colleagues; (2) how to identify and approach collaborators for a new project; (3) the role an early career preventionist can play in existing international research projects; and (4) the challenges for early career preventionists of collaborations involving non-western countries. Panelists will talk about their projects that take place in both western and non-western countries. Confirmed panelists include Jean J. Schensul from the Institute for Community Research, who has been conducting research in India and other developing countries, Edward Smith from the Penn State University Prevention Research Center, who is working in South Africa, Gregor Burkhart from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, who conducts prevention work throughout Europe, and Kristin Kostick, a junior investigator at the Institute for Community Research, who conducted studies on the island of Mauritius and in India.
Co-Chairs: Marie-Hélène Véronneau, PhD, University of Oregon and Kerry Green, PhD, University of Maryland
Speakers: Jean J. Schensul, PhD, Institute for Community Research, Edward Smith, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University Prevention Research Center, Gregor Burkhart, PhD, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Kristin Kostick, PhD, Institute for Community Research, Amelie Petitclerc, PhD, Columbia University
ECPN LUNCHEON (Registration Required)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
11:45 am – 1:15 pm
Developing a Successful Research Agenda
One of the keys to success in prevention science is the development of an independent research agenda. This session will feature a panel of speakers who will describe what a research agenda entails, discuss the importance of having a research agenda, and provide tips and strategies for creating and maintaining a research agenda. There will also be a question and answer period for attendees to solicit advice from the panel.
Co-chairs: Sharon Brenner, PhD, Duke University and Jessica Duncan Cance, MPH, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Speakers: Catherine Bradshaw, PhD, Associate Professor and Associate Director of Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence, Kathleen Etz, PhD, Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Diana Fishbein, PhD, Senior Fellow, Behavioral Neuroscience, RTI International, David MacKinnon, PhD, Foundation Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University
Thursday, June 2, 2011
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Communicating Prevention Research to Non-academic Audiences: Working Effectively with the Government and Media
It is often desirable and necessary for prevention researchers to effectively communicate their scientific findings to non-academic audiences. In particular, it is important for researchers to make use of opportunities to have their science understood by government officials and media outlets in order to ensure dissemination of evidence-based practices to wide audiences, and to promote the future financial support of prevention research. It is probably natural for researchers, particularly at early stages of their careers, to be nervous about ensuring the proper communication of complex and nuanced results to lay audiences. This symposium, hosted by ECPN, will provide advice to early-career researchers and others about how to effectively communicate with the government and media. Speakers representing the academic, industry, government and media communities will be brought together to discuss good communication practices, as well as what researchers and advocates need from each other to do their jobs well. In addition to their presentations, speakers will be asked to reflect on “lessons learned” from their own experiences.
Chair: Bethany Bray, PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Presenters: Deborah Gorman-Smith, PhD, Chapin Hall at The University of Chicago and Director, Chicago Center for Youth Violence Prevention, Keith Whyte, Executive Director, National Council on Problem Gambling, Prabhu Ponkshe, HealthMatrix, Inc., and Mari McCoy Roth, Senior Director for Public Policy and Communications, Child Trends.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
7:45 pm – 8:45 pm
Hotel Lobby Lounge
Join ECPN friends and colleagues for relaxation and conversation.
Friday, June 3, 2011
7:30 am – 8:15 am
Hotel Lobby Lounge
Chair: Ty Ridenour, PhD, The University of Pittsburgh
Come meet the steering committee and learn how you can participate in the planning and development of ECPN events and activities.