International Networking Forum (learn more)
International Committee Invited Symposium (learn more)
NIDA International Posters (learn more)
International Networking Forum
Tuesday, July 21, 9:00 am eastern through Thursday, July 23, 9:00 pm eastern.
The International Networking Forum (INF) is designed to bring together colleagues who are working in the international arena on prevention science research, programs, and policies. This is not a workshop or didactic session but rather an interactive forum to foster international collaboration in pursuit of promoting prevention science worldwide. Each year, the INF is sponsored by the International Committee as a half-day preconference meeting, where projects and priorities are discussed that will further the underlying goal of supporting and networking colleagues who work in the international arena. This year, to engage virtually with international colleagues from around the world, the INF will be hosted as an online, asynchronous discussion network in lieu of a live online meeting.
Join the International Networking Forum-Network to learn more about SPR’s international activities and discuss the role of prevention science in emerging global priorities, such as climate change, pandemic responses, international collaborations, and youth engagement. Participation is key to the forum – the discussion network will be open for the duration of the 3-day virtual conference, and we hope participants will log in repeatedly over this period to engage in dialog with international colleagues.
The International Networking Forum-Network
The International Networking Forum-Network is an online group designed to allow researchers, practitioners and others working in prevention to share research, resources, and other information relevant to prevention and interact with one another. Members of the network can share links, upload files, comment, like and start discussions within the network. The International Network Forum is available starting July 21. To join the International Networking Forum Network and to start posting messages, videos, and links or contribute to discussions, please follow this link:
All participants must register for the SPR Virtual Conference – FREE TO ALL. As a registered participant, you will receive access to the International Networking Forum-Network.
International Committee Invited Symposium
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern
Promoting a Culture of Prevention: An International Perspective
Chair: Hanno Petras, PhD, American Institutes for Research
Bosco Rowland, PhD, Deakin University
Simon Murphy, PhD, DECIPHer, Cardiff University
Rhiannon Evans, PhD, DECIPHer, Cardiff University
Ulrike Bollmann, PhD, Institute for Work and Health, German Social Accident Insurance
It is widely recognized that “thinking and acting prevention” is still not a common state of mind, especially when it comes to policymakers and times of (public) budget allocations, but also for practitioners and local stakeholders. However, how to foster the emergence of “a culture of prevention” is not a trivial issue. This special session builds on our Prevention Science Call for Papers, in which we described “culture of prevention” as a multidimensional concept that represents “adherence to prevention in attitudes, behaviors and operational systems. Several researchers took the challenge and finally present original studies that significantly promote the pursue for culture of prevention.
This symposium brings together three of the six studies to appear in the special issue which aim to address some of these questions, including shared and non-shared risk factors for problem behavior (Rowland et al.), how to refocus systems towards health (Evans et al.), and how to measure the extent to which a culture of prevention has been achieved (Bollmann et al.). Three of these papers will be presented followed by the Co-Guest Editors’ suggestion that “culture of prevention” would rely on several underpinnings, e.g., a public receptive to the ideas and values of prevention, a supportive policy and legal framework, and a plan to coordinate multiple sectors and levels involved.
Hanno Petras, Ph.D., is a Principal Researcher at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) with over 20 years of experience in designing and conducting research and evaluation of preventive interventions aimed at minimizing unhealthy and risky outcomes for children and youth. Dr. Petras has an exemplary record developing conceptual models and formulating analytic plans for cross-site evaluations in preparation for mixed-methods process and impact data analyses. His training in Prevention and Implementation Science, together with his expertise in rigorous program evaluation, makes him uniquely qualified to make significant contributions to this line of research.
Dr. Petras is currently funded by SAMHSA (Unity Health Care Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Program), NICHD (A longitudinal study of gender nonconformity in prepubescent children; Developmental course of sexual violence perpetration), CDC (Messaging to Improve Patient-Provider Communication and Engagement on Risks of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy), and HUD/DOJ (Pay for Success Permanent Supportive Housing demonstration project).
In addition to his tenure at AIR, Dr. Petras is an adjunct professor in the Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. He completed a four-year term on the Board of Directors for the Society for Prevention Research and is an active member of the Prevention Science Methodology Workgroup. Dr. Petras serves as the consulting editor for Prevention Science. Before joining AIR, he was chief methodologist at JBS International.
His research accomplishments have appeared in over 50 published articles and book chapters on prevention interventions related to aggressive/disruptive behavior in the classroom, mental health, tobacco use, violence against women, and HIV risk factors related to substance use. He recently co-edited the first book in the series entitled Advances in Prevention Science that focuses on defining Prevention Science and a second one on Substance Use Prevention, both of which were published by Springer Publications.
Bosco Rowland, PhD, is a Senior Research Fellow, in the School of Psychology and the Centre for Social, Early and Emotional Development at Deakin University, Australia. His research, teaching, leadership and service focuses on developing and testing social behavioural principles on real world public health problems. In particular, he examines behaviours associated with health, social and emotional development and the role of risk and protective factors.
His expertise incorporates the delivery and evaluation of randomised control trials (RCTs), process evaluations, and longitudinal cohort studies. He teaches and publishes in social and applied psychology, program evaluation, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. He also teaches a variety of statistical subjects.
At the strategic level, he has co-led the direction of translation sciences in the school; he currently co-leads translational sciences. He is also the honorary CEO of Communities that Care, a not-for-profit organisation established to build prevention capacity in Australian communities and to improve health and behavioural outcomes at a community level.
Professor Simon Murphy is the Director of DECIPHer, a UKCRC Centre of Public Health Excellence. The Centre has an international reputation for the development and evaluation of complex interventions to improve health with a particular focus on children and young people. He also leads the Health and Care Research Wales funded Public Health Improvement Research Network and the School Health Research Network, both of which bring together policy makers, practitioners, the public and academics to co-produce interventions and facilitate rigorous pragmatic effectiveness studies with sustainable policy, practice and population impacts. Simon is particularly concerned with developing multilevel interventions that address ecological influences on health and reduce health inequalities. To this end he has undertaken a large number of pragmatic randomised controlled trials of national policies including exercise referral and primary school free breakfasts.
Dr. Rhiannon Evans is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer), Cardiff University, UK. Here she leads the programme of work on Healthy Social Relationships, where she specialises in addressing the health and wellbeing of children and young people who have been in care. As a social scientist, Dr Evans’ is interested in the application of sociology and complex systems perspectives in intervention development and evaluation. Methodologically, her expertise is in complex systematic reviews, process evaluation and qualitative methods. She is currently co-Principal Investigator on UK Medical Research Council funded guidance on the adaptation, implementation and re-evaluation of complex population health interventions for new contexts. Her substantive research priorities include mental health and wellbeing, self-harm and suicide.
Ulrike Bollmann is Head of International Cooperation at the Institute for Work and Health (IAG) of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). After studying education and philosophy, Ulrike finalized her academic studies with a thesis on the historical-logical development of the modern concept of knowledge. She worked as a researcher at the Regional Institute for Schools and Further Education of North Rhine-Westphalia (1991-1994), and as a project manager at the West German Trade Council (1994-1999). In 1999, she started working at the IAG of the DGUV. From 2002 to 2004, she was employed as a national detached expert at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) in Spain. Ulrike has been the founder and coordinator of the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) since 2005. The network has 97members from 38 countries and holds numerous MoUs, for example with the Robert W. Campbell
Award, IOHA and OSHAfrica. In 2009, 2011, and 2013 she conducted the International Strategy
Conference on Safety and Health at Work in Dresden in cooperation with WHO, ILO, ISSA, EU-OSHA, IALI and others. She played a major role in organizing the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work – Global Forum for Prevention in 2014 in Frankfurt and held a symposium at the XXI World Congress in Singapore in 2017. She was responsible for an empirical study on mainstreaming OSH into education and conducted a joint research project with the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) on the development of leading indicators for a culture of prevention with a follow up study on the leading indicator “trust”. Ulrike is a member of the Editorial Board of Safety Science, a member of the Scientific Committee on Education and Competency Development, the Training and Advisory Council of OSHAfrica, and member of the Advisory Board of the Erasmus+ project Risk Man.
NIDA International Posters
On Demand
The International Program and Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research (DESPR) of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will host the 13th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session. The poster session will take place in conjunction with the SPR Tuesday Evening Poster Session and Opening Reception. Posters will highlight drug and/or alcohol use prevention research, including research on drug/alcohol-related HIV/AIDS prevention. The research presentations will have been conducted in international settings by international researchers, domestic researchers, or bi-national teams.