ECPN Events

ECPN Luncheon: How to review articles

Wednesday, May 28th 11:30-1pm (registration required)

Session Chairs: Amanda Sisselman, D.S.W. and Nancy Travino-Schafer, M.S.

Peer review is an integral part of most (if not all) SPR members’ professional responsibilities.  Some ECPN members are at a stage in their career when they are learning how to answer peer reviewers comments (e.g., when revising a manuscript). Other ECPN members are currently transitioning into the role of being a peer reviewer themselves. Being a peer reviewer eventually becomes a significant part of a researcher’s work. To help ECPN members to become competent peer reviewers, this session has several goals:

(1)       To outline a few principles that can help us do a good job when conducting a peer review;

(2)       To use these principals in an interactive reviewing activity, moderated by ECPN members;

(3)       To provide guidelines about when to say “yes” and when to say “no” to a peer review request.

This topic is especially timely considering that Catherine Bradshaw, the upcoming editor of Prevention Science, will put together a mentored-review program for the journal, wherein graduate students will get the chance to learn how to conduct good peer reviews of submitted manuscripts.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Catherine Bradshaw, Ph.D., M.Ed. (Professor, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, University of Virginia; Editor, Prevention Science)
  • Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Texas Tech University; Associate Editor, Journal of Early Adolescence)
  • Elise Pas, Ph.D., NCSP (Assistant Scientist, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)


ECPN Session I: Setting and Achieving Goals Throughout Your Early Career Trajectory

Thursday, May 29th 1:15-2:45pm

Session Chairs: Diego Garcia-Huidobro, M.D. and Crystal Barksdale, Ph.D.

As with everything, a good start is important to one’s career trajectory.  This session will focus on how to plan, set, achieve and adjust goals throughout the first years of a prevention scientist’s career.  This session will also discuss how early career activities inform middle and late careers from both academic and non-academic perspectives.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Rhonda Boyd, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine)
  • Philip Graham, Dr.P.H., MPH. (Senior Public Health Researcher, RTI International)
  • Sarah Bacon, Ph.D. (Behavioral Scientist, CDC)
  • Gerald August, Ph.D. (Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School and Director of the Center for Personalized Prevention Research in Children’s Mental Health)


ECPN Session II: How to BE a Good Mentor

Friday, May 30th, 8:30-10am

Session Chairs: Katrina Debnam, Ph.D., MPH and Brittany Cooper, Ph.D., M.S.

While past sessions have focused on the importance of receiving good mentorship and have given guidance as to how to be a good mentee, little attention has been paid to the fact that the majority of ECPN members also find themselves as mentors. In fact, a recent survey of ECPN members suggests that they spend a substantial part of their week in various mentoring activities.  While universities may provide teaching and research support, advice on mentoring, particularly for early career professionals, is less likely to be available.  This session will seek to:

(1)      Use data from the mentorship survey conducted in 2010 to discuss the dual roles of mentee/mentor for ECPN members

(2)      Elucidate best practices in mentoring, particularly geared towards the type of mentorship roles that ECPN members are most likely to identify (e.g., mentoring graduate and undergraduate students)

(3)      Provide strategies for balancing the time spent mentoring with other activities necessary for promotion

(4)      Provide an opportunity for small group discussion with experienced mentors regarding potential challenges encountered while mentoring as an early career professional.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Michael Hecht, Ph.D. (Professor, Pennsylvania State University)
  • Sharon Lambert, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, George Washington University)
  • Brian Flay, Ph.D. (Professor, Oregon State University)
  • Sarah Lindstrom Johnson, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
  • Amanda Sisselman, D.S.W. (Assistant Professor and Mentor, State University of New York)