Brown Bag SIGs at SPR 2018 Annual Meeting
WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 2018, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
(2-021) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING I: Boys and Young Men of Color: Research and Practice
Stephanie Hawkins, PhD, RTI International
Neil Irvin, BA, Men Can Stop Rape, Inc.
In recent years, there has been substantial growth in research, policy, and practice discussions related to the healthy development and supports available to boys and young men of color (BYMOC). These discussions have been brought to the fore, in large part, due to the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative launched by President Barack Obama in 2014. Boys and young men of color bear the burden of myriad health disparities that compromise optimal development. This Brown Bag discussion will highlight some of the opportunities and challenges experienced working with BYMOC from a research and practice perspective. The discussion will also include the use of appropriate data collection instruments, intervention recruitment and retention.
(2-022) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING II: Prevention Research in Low and Middle-income Countries
Eve Puffer, Duke University
Jamie Lachman, University of Oxford
There is growing recognition of the need to expand evidence-based prevention practices to the least resources parts of the world. Prevention work in these settings is invaluable given the scarcity of treatment following the onset of disorder or disease. Exciting work is taking place on research, programming, and policy fronts to further these efforts in low- and middle-income countries. The purpose of this brownbag is to bring together conference attendees who are conducting, or interested in conducting, work in these contexts to learn from one another about ongoing work and future directions, and to begin conversations about potential collaborations.
(2-023) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING III: Prevention Research with Out of Home Youth – Foster Care & Juvenile Justice System Involved Youth
Nadine Finigan-Carr, PhD, University of Maryland
This SIG has been convening for the past few years at SPR in order to provide an opportunity to network and discuss issues related to the unique needs of system involved youth when conducting prevention research on adolescents and young adults. System involved youth are not only navigating the developmental tasks of adolescence and young adulthood but also dealing with issues related to being removed from their family of origin. Creating effective research-based prevention strategies within the foster care and juvenile justice systems is challenging but necessary to prevent additional social and behavioral health issues that impact youth’s well-being. Topics to be discussed will include: characteristics and needs of system involved youth; timing of interventions aimed at this unique population; what types of prevention interventions and prevention targets currently exist; and, how interventions and evaluations that participants are currently conducting can be targeted to this population. This SIG builds upon discussions from prior years and will provide a valuable professional resource for anyone with an interest in preventing further negative outcomes in this vulnerable population.
(2-024) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING IV: Prevention Science Graduate Training Programs
Atika Khurana, University of Oregon
Brittany Cooper, Washington State University
Prevention Science is a relatively new interdisciplinary field that draws from related fields including public health, education, psychology, neuroscience, and economics. Although multidisciplinary collaboration is at the heart of prevention science research and training, the discipline itself is distinct with its own unique standards of knowledge and evidence. In light of the rapid growth in prevention science graduate programs both nationally and internationally, it is imperative to engage in a critical dialogue about the unique identity and training needs of students in prevention science graduate programs. This brownbag is intended for faculty and students in prevention science graduate programs. The goal is to foster a discussion of ways to connect students across programs and refine the identity and mission of prevention science as a distinct graduate training program, while maintaining cross-fertilization of ideas and strategies across disciplines.
(2-025) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING V: Research Synthesis Methods for Prevention Science
Emily Tanner-Smith, University of Oregon
Sean Grant, RAND Corporation
The purpose of this SIG is to provide an opportunity to network and discuss issues related to research synthesis methods in the field of prevention science. In particular, the SIG meeting will focus on recent methodological advances and innovations in the methods used to conduct, interpret, report, and disseminate research syntheses. Topics to be discussed will include: advanced meta-analytic methods for complex interventions (e.g., individual participant data meta-analysis, network meta-analysis); rating confidence in findings from meta-analyses of complex interventions; research synthesis software; and other recent methodological innovations. The SIG will provide a valuable networking and professional development resource for prevention scientists interested in research synthesis methodology.
Warren Bickel, PhD, Virginia Tech
The goal of prevention interventions is to modify behavior; yet, mechanisms that underlie behavior-change are not well understood. This Brown Bag discussion will highlight research conducted under the purview of researchers from the Science of Behavior Change program, which focuses on identifying, measuring, modifying, and validating mechanisms of behavior-change. Specifically, this discussion will focus on temporal discounting as a modifiable target to promote healthy behavior.
(2-027) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING VII: Social Emotional Learning as Intervention for Educators of Vulnerable Youth Populations
Christina Cipriano, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Tia Barnes, University of Delaware
Factors that place students at-risk for diminished psychosocial health, achievement, and economic outcomes are often complex and difficult to change. However, targeted, evidence- based social-emotional learning training of educators working with these historically under-served student populations, including students with disabilities, English language learners, and youth involved in the juvenile justice systems has potential to optimize developmental trajectories. The purpose of this SIG is to convene like-minded researchers and practitioners to share resources and ideas related to securing funding, executing research-to-practice-to policy trials of programming, and dissemination efforts towards the ends of improving outcomes for our most vulnerable student populations and the teachers who educate them.
(2-028) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING VIII: The U.S. Opioid Crisis—Research to Inform Prevention-Based Solutions
Aria Crump, ScD, NIDA
Richard Jenkins, PhD, NIDA
Opioid misuse and addiction in the United States lead to tens of thousands of deaths each year and affect health status, family functioning, community resources, and economic welfare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total economic burden of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement. Staff from the National Institute on Drug Abuse will hold a “brown bag” lunch meeting to stimulate discussion with the research community on novel and existing prevention strategies that hold promise for preventing opioid misuse and addiction and for preventing overdose, HIV and other adverse health consequences of opioid use disorders. In addition, the group will discuss underdeveloped areas of research linking opioid use risk and protection to prevention strategies. Program staff will provide a brief overview of the opioid crisis and remarks about research opportunities to reduce the risk of opioid misuse and overdose. NIDA staff will moderate a discussion and solicit recommendations from scientists from diverse disciplines regarding research gaps, opportunities and directions. Attendees are encouraged to come ready to network, share perspectives, and explore options for partnerships in research to address the opioid crisis and its impact on public health.
(2-029) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING IX: Unleashing the Power of Prevention
Jeff Jenson, PhD, University of Denver
J. David Hawkins, PhD, University of Washington
Unleashing the Power of Prevention is an initiative developed by the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health (CPBH). CPBH is an interdisciplinary group of 75 researchers, policymakers, educators, and practitioners dedicated to advancing preventive interventions that promote behavioral health among young people from birth through age 24. The CPBH is implementing an action plan for Unleashing the Power of Prevention that includes seven steps necessary to decrease the prevalence of behavioral health problems in young people by 20 percent within a decade. Unleashing the Power of Prevention was developed as a response to the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare’s Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative ( It is also available on the National Academy of Medicine’s website at This Special Interest Group meeting will offer a forum for SPR members to learn about progress being made in the Unleashing the Power of Prevention initiative.
THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2018, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
(3-022) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING X: American Indian and Alaska Native Prevention Research
Kathy Etz, PhD, NIDA
Aria Crump, PhD, NIDA
Nancy Whitesell, PhD, University of Colorado, Denver
Michelle Sarche, PhD, University of Colorado, Denver
This Brown Bag session will provide a forum for discussions of career development strategies for prevention researchers working with American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Particular discussion topics will include (1) approaches for building relationships with new partner communities and exploring opportunities for collaboration (e.g., when starting a faculty position in a new geographic region); (2) capitalizing on secondary data analysis and other strategies for building expertise and publications during periods of intensive community work or intervention development (i.e., in the germination phases for original data); and (3) balancing the demands of academic positions, including teaching and service, with the intensive demands of community-based research.
(3-023) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XI: SPR DNC: Culturally Responsive Strategies for the Prevention of Trauma among Secondary Victims of Violence
Nadine Finigan-Carr, PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore
In neighborhoods and communities across the US, the issue of violence has become endemic. The vast majority of trauma exposure in the United States is ongoing and includes multiple, co-occurring types of trauma (Anda et al., 2006; Dong et al., 2004; Pynoos et al., 2009). Random acts of violence, unanticipated loss and death, exposure to drug use and distribution, incarceration, and economic disparities are universally common types of traumatic experiences and yet are chronically and historically pervasive in urban communities of color. Law enforcement and Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) are often the first responders assisting individuals and communities during natural and manmade episodic disasters. Faith based organizations and non-governmental agencies may be called upon to lend support. However, when it comes to chronic exposure to violence there are little to no trained responders and services offered to adequately address the grief and loss experienced by communities where violence in the form of community deprivation, violent crime, racism, oppression, and isolation is paramount. Although surviving communities of both natural and manmade disasters and violence experience traumatic loss and grief, the resources and services readily available to assist communities are dramatically different. This SIG is being convened to discuss research-based, prevention strategies which can be implemented in communities to support community members and prevent them from becoming secondary victims of violence in both acute (i.e. in response to a disaster) and chronic (i.e., in communities of color with endemic violence) situations. This information is vital to the development and provision of effective, culturally responsive strategies designed to meet the needs of diverse communities.
(3-024) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XII: Healthy Parenting in Primary Care
J. David Hawkins, PhD, University of Washington
Jeff Jenson, PhD, University of Denver
The Collaborative on Healthy Parenting in Primary Care recognizes the accumulated evidence of the effectiveness of family-focused prevention programs that promote the physical and behavioral health and emotional well-being of children from before their birth through adolescence. Members of this collaborative have united around an initiative to encourage the integration of effective programs that promote healthy parenting into primary care settings in order to achieve optimal health for children. This SIG gathering will discuss the work of the collaborative and opportunities for prevention scientists to join this initiative and advance this work.
(3-025) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XIII: How Do We Expand Prevention Science Research into Later Life?
Raven Weaver, Washington State University, Pullman
Cory Bolkan, Washington State University, Vancouver
Older adults have not been the focus in most prevention science research, despite significant shifts in global population demographics. Prevention scientists have an opportunity to enhance aging research by addressing modifiable factors that affect health and well-being across the lifespan (e.g., unconscious aging bias, ageism; social support; exposure to stress and discrimination; access to health care/services; healthy environments). With the accumulation of exposure to risks over time, the likelihood of reaching old age is unequal (Abramson, 2016). Interacting systems (e.g., individual, family, community, and society) are potential facilitators or inhibitors of health and well-being in later life. Furthermore, as the older adult population becomes increasingly diverse (i.e., SES, ethnicity), increased human life expectancy can mask ever-growing disparities and inequities. The goal of this brown bag session is to foster discussion on applying and expanding prevention science principles across the life course.
(3-026) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XIV: Prevention Science and LGBTQ Population Health
Jessica Fish, University of Texas at Austin
Cara Rice, The Pennsylvania State University
Despite a robust and growing body of research highlighting sexual orientation and gender identity health disparities, there remains limited empirical knowledge on how to improve LGBTQ population health. In continuation of our conversation from the SPR 2017 conference, we will reconvene a group of prevention scholars working or interested in LGBTQ health and wellbeing, to discuss the current state of the literature and how prevention science research and implementation strategies could help to alleviate LGBTQ health disparities. The conversation generated at the 2018 meeting will be the basis for an eventual collaborative, interdisciplinary proposal for a special section of Prevention Science focused on LGBTQ health. Attendees will also brainstorm collaborative projects, to include a pre-conference workshop, for the 2019 SPR conference.
(3-027) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XV: Promoting Innovation in Prevention
Melissa George, Colorado State University
Rebecca Toll, Colorado State University
Promoting innovation in prevention science can take many forms, such as in the processes, programs or systems in which evidence-based interventions are delivered. This SIG brown bag will provide a forum for discussing conceptualizations of innovation, characteristics of prevention systems that support readiness for innovation, and the processes for generating innovation and building evidence for innovative practices. We’ll encourage participants to share their experiences and perspectives on the above to inform next steps for the group that may include activities such as the development of a community of practice on innovation, research proposals and manuscripts, including the potential for a special issue.
(3-028) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XVI: Research Needs in Substance Abuse and Mental Health Preventive Services
Carrie Klabunde, PhD, NIH, Office of Disease Prevention
Dionne Godette, PhD, NIH, Office of Disease Prevention
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) develops evidence-based recommendations for clinical preventive services to improve the health of the U.S. population. When available evidence is insufficient, the USPSTF issues an ‘I’ statement to call for more research. Currently, there are nine ‘I’ statements for substance abuse and mental health preventive services. This session will be facilitated by staff scientists from the NIH Office of Disease Prevention, and provide a forum for discussing research needs and gaps identified by the USPSTF for screening and counseling services related to alcohol and drug use, autism, cognitive impairment, depression, suicide risk, and tobacco use. Discussion topics will include: overview of substance abuse and mental health ‘I’ statements; types of data and study designs needed to address research gaps reflected in these ‘I’ statements; and current NIH funding opportunities that might be used to support new research to fill critical evidence gaps.
(3-029) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XVII: Research Transparency, Openness, and Reproducibility
Sean Grant, RAND Corporation
Frances Gardner, University of Oxford
The purpose of this SIG is to discuss and promote transparent, open, and reproducible research practices. In particular, the SIG meeting will focus on recent methodological advances and innovations that can help increase the transparency and reproducibility of prevention science. Topics to be discussed will include: study pre-registration; development of protocols and pre-analysis plans; research reporting guidelines; data, code, and materials sharing; dynamic documents; and open access publication. The SIG will provide a valuable networking and professional development resource for prevention scientists and other stakeholders (journal editors, research funders, policy-makers) interested in research transparency and reproducibility.
(3-030) BROWN BAG SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEETING XVIII: Supporting Students through School-Community Approaches
Rachel Sadlon, The George Washington University
Linda Sheriff, The George Washington University
Prevention science offers us knowledge for advancing the health, wellbeing, and academic success of school-age children but strategies for getting the knowledge into systems that can have a positive impact require a coordinated, sustainable approach between school and community partners. Such a strategy for student well-being must encompass evidence-based prevention, early identification, and clinical services, built on systemic changes around financing, capacity building, and professional development. It replaces silo-ed healthy child/youth development initiatives with a coordinated approach that links community services through school-connected models. At this SIG, CHHCS staff will 1) explore the current science on social and emotional issues and academic development; 2) lead a discussion on prevention policy and practice that incorporates this knowledge into how schools and communities can create supportive, health-promoting learning environments; and 3) elicit suggestions and recommendations about how best to advance this approach.
Submission Deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO November 2, 2017
The Society for Prevention Research 26th Annual Meeting, “Optimizing the Relevance of Prevention Science to Systems,” will take place May 29-June 1, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Washington, Washington, DC.
The SPR Program Planning Committee is offering the “Brown Bag” Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and we invite members to convene and chair a SIG. The purpose of the “Brown Bag” SIGs is to facilitate networking opportunities of conference attendees who would like to discuss in greater depth a specific prevention research, policy, or practice topic. The “Brown Bag” SIG convener(s) is expected to be in attendance and facilitate the meeting, which would be open to all interested SPR conference attendees. The “Brown Bag” SIG can be formal with a planned agenda or informal depending upon the convener(s) and the participants.
To submit your Brown Bag SIG requests, go to
Please note the deadline for Brown Bag SIG requests is Tuesday, October 31, 2017.
“Brown Bag” SIGs from 2017 included:
- Fostering health and well-being among LGBT populations
- Health literacy in Prevention Research
- Native communities-Alcohol intervention review, NIAAA
- Measuring health disparities, sponsored by the SPR Diversity Network Committee
- Optimization of multicomponent interventions
- Unleashing the Power of Prevention
- Trauma-informed violence prevention in schools
- Research gaps in multilevel prevention to enhance health and reduce health disparities
- Funding opportunities for research-practice partnerships and to study the use and usefulness of research evidence
- National Institute on Aging
- Optimizing prevention of partner abuse
- Prevention and multimorbidity
- Prevention research among American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Prevention Research with foster care and juvenile system involved youth
- School mental health
Conveners may request a repeat of a 2017 SIG or request a new SIG. SPR will coordinate the meeting space and time. Deadline to submit SIG requests is Tuesday, October 31, 2017.
The “Brown Bag” SIGs will be scheduled for Wednesday, May 30 or Thursday, May 31, 2018, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, which is during the lunch break (11:45 am – 1:15 pm). Participants would purchase a lunch in the hotel or from one of the lunch spots nearby the hotel and bring it with them to the meeting. Meeting space is limited. We will confirm your request via e-mail mid-February 2018. If the number of requests exceeds space limitations, the SPR Program Planning Committee will prioritize decisions based on representing a diversity of SIGs to best capture the interests of the membership. Confirmed “Brown Bag” SIGs will be listed in the conference program, which will indicate the date, time, convener(s), and meeting room assignment.
If you have any questions about “Brown Bag” SIG meetings, please contact Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director, at either or call 703-934-4850, ext. 3.