The Society for Prevention Research 24th Annual Meeting, “Using Prevention Science to Promote Health Equity and Improve Well-being,” will take place May 31-June 3, 2016, at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco in San Francisco, CA.
The SPR Program Planning Committee is offering the “Brown Bag” Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and we invite members to chair and convene a SIG. The purpose of the “Brown Bag” SIGs is to facilitate networking opportunities of conference attendees who would like to discuss in greater depth a specific prevention research, policy, or practice topic. The “Brown Bag” SIG convener is expected to be in attendance and facilitate the meeting, which would be open to all interested SPR conference attendees. The “Brown Bag” SIG can be formal with a planned agenda or informal depending upon the convener and the participants.
Please note the deadline for Brown Bag SIG requests is Friday, March 11, 2016.
“Brown Bag” SIGs from 2015 included:
- Cochrane Reviews for Public Health Interventions
- Developing a Research Agenda for Prevention Science under Health Reform
- Funding Opportunities for Prevention Scientists at the U.S. Department of Education
- Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Bringing Prevention Science Ideas to Education Research
- Implementation and Adaptation in Prevention Research
- Implementing and Evaluating High School PBIS and Safe & Supportive Schools
- Lawatlas: The Power of Policy Surveillance for Prevention Science
- National Guard Prevention and Coalition Support
- Optimizing Preventive Interventions
- Prevention Research among American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Prevention Research for LGBTQ Youth
- Prevention Research with Out of Home Youth-Foster Case & Juvenile Justice System Involved Youth
- SPR Diversity Network Committee
- Studying the Use of Research in Policy and Practice: Opportunities and Lessons Learned
- Suicide Prevention
Conveners may request a repeat of a 2015 SIG or request a new SIG. After the requests for SIGs have been received and confirmed, SPR will circulate the list to the conference attendees who may sign up in advance, although advance registration is not required. SPR will coordinate the meeting space and time and approximately two weeks in advance of the meeting will provide the convener with the list of attendees who have signed up in advance. Deadline to submit SIG requests is Friday, March 11, 2016.
The “Brown Bag” SIGs will be scheduled for Wednesday, June 1 or Thursday, June 2, 2016, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, which is during the lunch break (11:45 am – 1:15 pm). Participants would purchase a lunch in the hotel or from one of the lunch spots nearby the hotel and bring it with them to the meeting. Meeting space is limited. We will confirm your request via e-mail by mid-March 2016. If the number of requests exceeds space limitations, the SPR Program Planning Committee will prioritize decisions based on representing a diversity of SIGs to best capture the interests of the membership. Confirmed “Brown Bag” SIGs will be listed in the conference program, which will indicate the date, time, convener, and meeting room assignment.
If you have any questions about “Brown Bag” SIG meetings, please contact Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director, at either jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org or call 703-934-4850, ext. 213.