2016 Conference App

SPR 2016 Conference App Now Available!

SPR is very pleased to announce the Conference App for the 2016 Annual Meeting is now available. The app (hosted by TripBuilder Media) has these features:

  • Schedule: searchable program by day, author, presentation format, and theme
  • MyItinerary: create your meeting itinerary and integrate with your device’s calendar
  • Map It: pinpoint the various locations of all meeting events on the schedule
  • Social Feed: stay connected via Activity Feed, Twitter, and Facebook
  • Gallery: share, like, and view photos – – or download photos to your email
  • San Francisco Destination: explore places to eat, visit, and daily weather forecast in SF!

The SPR conference app is available on the following platforms: iOS, Android, and HTML5. To download the app into your mobile device(s), type www.tripbuildermedia.com/apps/spr2016 into your mobile device’s browser or search “Prevention Research” on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. This link will automatically detect your mobile type and take you to the right place to download the app. All users must create an account in order to use the app. If you have any questions or need technical assistance, click on the “Help” icon within the app.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact SPR at info@preventionresearch.org.

We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco, CA!