Author Presentation Instructions

2013 Oral Presentation Instructionsthese instructions apply to both organized paper symposia and sessions comprised of three individual papers.

2013 Poster Forum Instructions

2013 Poster Presentation Instructions

Presentation Schedules Have Been Sent

As of April 1, 2013, presentation schedules have been emailed.  If you have not received an email regarding your presentation schedule, please contact Jennifer Lewis at

Abstract Status Notifications Have Been Sent

As of March 12, 2013 abstract acceptance notifications have been emailed.  If you have not received an email regarding the status of your abstract, please contact Jennifer Lewis at


*To view the program schedule online, please click on “Program Schedule” icon above.

**Online registration ends May 26, 2013.

***Hyatt Regency San Francisco is SOLD OUT, Wednesday, May 29, and Thursday, May 30. Click here for the overflow hotel information.