ECPN Events

ECPN Luncheon: Peaking Behind the Doors of the NIH Grant Review Process 2.0

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time: 11:45 am – 1:15 pm

ECPN LUNCH (Registration required)

Co-Chairs: D. Max Crowley, PhD, Duke University; Valerie B. Shapiro, PhD, University of California-Berkeley

Panel:  Karl Hill, PhD, University of Washington; Linda Collins, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University; Guillermo (WillyPrado, PhD, Miami University; Belinda Sims, PhD, National Institute of Drug Abuse

Thinking about applying for your first NIH grant? Wondering what actually happens once you‘ve submitted? Where does the grant go? Who reviews it? How can I improve my score? The review process can be daunting for early career researchers. Further recent changes in page and submission limits require new strategies for putting together successful applications.

This year’s ECPN sponsored luncheon will explore the NIH review process and provide insight into what actually happens when your grant goes to committee. The session will begin with an overview of the NIH grant submission process for three mechanisms often engaged by early career researchers (F’s, K’s and small R’s) presented by a representative from the National Institutes of Health. Then a live mock review session will be held. In this session experienced NIH-funded researchers will score and discuss successful applications. At the end of the luncheon, the audience will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the panel’s scoring decisions as well as general questions about submitting NIH grants as an early career researcher.

11:45-11:50 a.m.           Welcome

11:50-12:10 a.m.           Overview of the NIH Review Process and Scoring

12:10-12:45 p.m.           Mock Scientific Review Group

12:45-1:15 p.m.            Reflections and Questions


Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time: 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm

How to Effectively Manage your Funds and Budget

Co-chairs: Marie-Hélène Véronneau, PhD, Université du Québec à Montréal, and Jessica Duncan Cance, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Panel: Brenda A. Miller, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Prevention Research Center/PIRE, Maureen Reynolds, PhD, Center Administrator, Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research, Research Assistant, Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Pittsburgh and; Jeffrey Temple, University of Texas Medical Branch.

You just got funding to conduct a new study or to implement a prevention program in a real-world setting? Congratulations! Now, it’s time to buy the material you need, hire staff… and keep track of the money you spend (or plan to spend) on those precious resources. This can become complicated, especially if you are combining various sources of funding to work on a project (e.g., university funding, NIH grant, and foundation money), or if a single source of funding can be used for multiple projects (e.g., startup funds). The goal of this session is to have experienced scientists working in academic or research institute settings share a few tricks with early career preventionists to help them get their budget in order—before, during, and after the completion of the research project.


Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

The 3 Cs of Successful Early Career Collaborations: Co-investigating, Co-authoring, and Consulting

Chairs: Kelly Rulison, PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Sarah Lindstrom Johnson, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Panel: Stephanie Lanza, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, The Methodology Center,   Mildred Maldonado-Molina, PhD, University of Florida, Institute for Child Health Policy, David Wyrick, PhD, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Public Health Education,

Collaboration is critical for the success of early career prevention scientists. It allows us to work with people who have different skill sets, gain new perspectives, tackle interdisciplinary research questions, and work with more senior colleagues who can teach us the tricks of the trade. It also allows us to establish our independence by identifying other early-career colleagues with whom we might begin to establish long-term professional relationships. The most common and important forms of collaboration for early career prevention scientists are co-investigating, co-authoring, and consulting. Yet collaboration in any form is not without its challenges. Join us for a panel discussion about these challenges and learn strategies for overcoming them. In this session, successful mid-career prevention scientists will discuss their own collaboration experiences and provide insight into how to establish productive collaborations, how to find research partners in a new institution, and how to identify and say “no” to projects that are not a good fit.  Practical topics such as determining how to charge for time as well as navigating the differing priorities of senior and junior faculty will also be discussed.


Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013

Time: 7:45 pm – 9:15 pm

Chair: Keryn Pasch, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Join friends and colleagues for networking, an informal committee meeting and social gathering (light refreshments).


The ECPN Student Poster Contest was initiated in 2009 to encourage student attendance and participation in the annual meeting, increase student visibility at the conference, attract new student members to SPR and ECPN, and encourage existing student members to become full members upon graduation. Both undergraduate and graduate students were encouraged to enter. The posters will be displayed during the Wednesday and Thursday evening SPR poster sessions, and winners will be announced on Thursday at the awards presentation. The top 3 poster winners will receive a $250 travel award plus a free 1-year SPR membership. Honorable mention poster authors will receive a 1-year SPR membership. SPR memberships will be awarded for the next year (2014).  Judging criteria included innovation, importance of the research topic to the field, quality, use of advanced methods, and contribution to prevention science.  We are very excited that the ECPN Student Poster Contest continues to be an annual event.

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