21st Annual Meeting Keynote Address
Developing a Strategic Plan for Prevention Research at NIH (download)
David M. Murray, PhD, Associate Director for Prevention, Director, Office of Disease Prevention, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health
SPEAKER TO ADDRESS 21st Annual Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2013
Time: 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm.
Developing a Strategic Plan for Prevention Research at NIH
David M. Murray, PhD, Associate Director for Prevention, Director, Office of Disease Prevention, Office of the Director, National Institutes of HealtH
Dr. David M. Murray has spent his career evaluating intervention programs designed to improve the public health. He has worked with all age groups, in a variety of settings, and with a variety of health behaviors and disease outcomes. Over the last 25 years, Dr. Murray has focused on the design and analysis of group-randomized trials in which groups are randomized to conditions and members of those groups are observed to assess the effect of an intervention. Dr. Murray wrote the first textbook on that material, published by Oxford University Press in 1998. He has worked on many of these trials, collaborating with colleagues around the country on their design, implementation, and evaluation. He has also conducted research to develop and test new methods for their design and analysis. Dr. Murray served as the first Chair of the Community-Level Heath Promotion study section, which reviews many of the prevention related group-randomized trials submitted to NIH. After 35 years at the University of Minnesota, the University of Memphis, and the Ohio State University, Dr. Murray joined the National Institutes of Health in September, 2012, as the Associate Director for Prevention and Director of the Office of Disease Prevention. In this role, he is responsible for promoting and coordinating prevention research among and between NIH Institutes and Centers and other public and private entities. Dr. Murray has been a member of the Society for Prevention Research since 2000.