SPR/ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award Nominations Process
This award is presented annually by the Early Career Preventionist Network to a person early in their career in prevention. This award will be bestowed on someone who has shown a commitment to prevention science through outstanding contributions to research, policy, or practice.
- Nominee must be an early career scientist, defined as within 10 years post terminal degree.
- Nominee must be a member of the Society for Prevention Research at the time of nomination.
Nomination Process:
- Nominator’s Supporting Statement, briefly (under 1000 words) should address the nominee’s contribution to the field of prevention science as evidenced by their activities in research, policy, service, and/or teaching. The strongest letters will include an indication of the potential long-term significance and impact of nominees’s activities on the field of prevention science.
- The Letter(s) of Endorsement may be less encompassing but should address similar themes.
- Nominee’s CV (NIH biosketch or similar)
ALL award nomination materials should be submitted via e-mail to Jennifer Lewis at jenniferlewis@preventionresearch.org.
Friend of ECPN Award
The Friend of ECPN Award is presented to a mid-career or senior preventionist who has supported and encouraged early career prevention scientists or issues. The recipient of the Friend of ECPN Award will have been active in supporting early career activities, either by helping ECPN as an organization; promoting training, funding, or early career involvement in prevention efforts; or encouraging early career Preventionists in their work.